Articles: treatment.
Even though hypoxia is a major risk factor for death in children with acute respiratory infection in developing countries, oxygen is not part of first line treatment. Because oxygen is not readily available in developing countries it tends to be given to the most seriously ill children, whose outcome is poor. ⋯ A simple oximeter would make detection easier, and oxygen concentrators are more cost effective than bottled oxygen. Ideally oxygen should be given to children in the early stages of clinical pneumonia to prevent deterioration.
J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs · Jan 1994
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialComfort measures in breastfeeding, primiparous women.
To examine various comfort measures and evaluate their effects in alleviating nipple soreness. ⋯ Anticipatory guidance by obstetric nurses may assist breastfeeding women in treating their pain nonpharmacologically.
J Egypt Public Health Assoc · Jan 1994
An audit of caesarean section among Saudi females in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
In this study the case records of 1414 patients who delivered at Alshaty hospital within one year were examined and some important variables related to caesarean section cases and their outcome were discussed. The caesarean section rate was found to be 9.9%. The high number of grand multigravida and primigravida among these Saudi mothers have contributed to this high caesarean section rate. ⋯ The main indications of caesarean section in this hospital were repeated caesarean section (34.3%), failure of progress (19.3%) and fetal distress 12.9%. The relation and interaction between the three groups were thoroughly discussed based on the mechanisms of these indications. It is concluded that the changing trend of indications of caesarean section was mostly related to the change in departmental management rather than change in the characteristics of the patients.
Reproductive toxicology · Jan 1994
Use of the Retinoid Pregnancy Prevention Program in Canada: patterns of contraception use in women treated with isotretinoin and etretinate.
We sought to describe demographic characteristics of and pattern of contraception use by Canadian women prescribed synthetic retinoids who voluntarily contacted the Motherisk Program in Toronto and to describe the degree of use of the Pregnancy Prevention Program (PPP) for retinoids. Prospectively gathered intake data from isotretinoin-exposed women was statistically compared to that from matched controls selected from our database. Intake data is qualitatively reported for etretinate-exposed women. ⋯ Twenty (77%) knew the drug was teratogenic, yet 10 (38.5%) used no contraception, 6 (23.1%) experienced method failure, and 2 (8%) stopped contraception during isotretinoin therapy. In conclusion, although cognizant of the teratogenicity of isotretinoin, more than one-third of the women in this study used no birth control or experienced contraception failure. In this same group, however, compliance with contraception use appeared to increase in those who saw more of the PPP.