Articles: acute-pain.
Present-day hypotheses about the origin of pain in deep tissues are based on the idea that pain is anindependent sensation with its own specialized apparatus of sensors, conduction pathways and centers. The sensors are callednociceptors ornocisensors, and the neuronal structures they activate are thenociceptive system. Accordingly, the reception, conduction and central nervous processing of noxious signals together are termednociception. ⋯ Finally an account is presented of pain produced by excitation of the nociceptive system proximal to the nociceptors. These pain states include pain resulting from pathophysiological impulse generation in nociceptive fibers (neuralgia orneuralgic pain) which usually projects into the region containing the sensory endings of these fibers (projected pain). Furthermore, brief descriptions of pain due to spinal root compression and ofcentral pain arising from various sites of the central nervous system are given.
Opioids are given for acute intra- and postope-rative pain relief or for chronic cancer pain. In the literature there are only rare and contradictory reports on the oral administration of opioids for chronic non-malignant pain. However, there is no reason to withhold strong analgesics for patients with severe pain. ⋯ Side effects are controlled by additional medication. The principle of opioid administration is prophylaxis of pain -therefore, they should be given "by the clock". Opioids are not only indicated in malignant illness, but also according to severity of pain and by the failure of other measures to control pain.
Treatment of chronic low back pain (CLBP) is not only expensive, but is frequently not totally effective. For these reasons, it is important that the risk factors that correlate with the development of chronic pain be considered at the early stage of acute low-back pain (ALBP) in order to implement early treatment to prevent the condition from becoming chronic. ⋯ In light of the need to contain costs, a program for the prevention of chronic back pain can only be provided for those ALBP patients with an increased risk of having CLBP. Further research on the prevention on CLBP is needed.
A central antinociceptive effect of calcitonin has been well established in animal experiments. Owing to the lack of appropriate studies, however, a final judgement cannot be made regarding the value of calcitonin in pain therapy. Positive clinical experiences have been reported in the following cases. (1) In isolated osseous tumor pain and in pain caused by tumorous infiltration of peripheral nerve tissue or acute malignant transverse lesions of the spinal cord (with paraplegia), calcitonin can be a suitable supplement to opiate therapy. (2) In algodystrophy calcitonin can be administered in addition to physical therapy. ⋯ Dangerous side-effects have not been reported to date. However, dose-dependent side-effects occur frequently, which the patients often consider very distressing. The disadvantages and the "escape" phenomenon that occur during longterm use restrict the value of calcitonin as an analgesic.
In the past the view has often been expressed that children are less sensitive to pain than adults as a result of the assumption that their nervous system is not as well developed. According to this theory, newborns were not supposed to feel pain at all, and for this reason minor surgery was often performed with inadequate anesthesia. Evidence in the more recent literature and the regular choice of "pain in children" as a topic for congresses exemplify the more and more widespread belief that children of all ages can feel pain and, relative to their developmental stage, suffer accordingly. ⋯ As cognition develops further, the patient's own concept of health and sickness changes, as does the ability to express feelings of pain. In the pathogenesis of pain in children, the dominant types are nociceptor pain (e.g., as a result of trauma or infection) and pain resulting from malfunction (e.g., physical malposition, migraine), whereas nervous pain occurs less frequently. Pediatricians should pay particular attention to the treatment of acute and chronic pain in children.