Articles: intensive-care-units.
Critical care clinics · Jul 2023
ReviewCritical Care 1950 to 2022: Evolution of Medicine, Nursing, Technology, and Design.
Critical care units-designed for concentrated and specialized care-came from multiple parallel advances in medical, surgical, and nursing techniques and training taking advantage of new therapeutic technologies. Regulatory requirements and government policy impacted design and practice. ⋯ Hospitals offered newer, more extreme, and specialized surgeries and anesthesia enabled more complex procedures. ICUs developed in the 1950s, providing a recovery room's level of observation and specialized nursing to serve the critically ill, whether medical or surgical.
Critical care pharmacy has evolved rapidly over the last 50 years to keep pace with the rapid technological and knowledge advances that have characterized critical care medicine. The modern-day critical care pharmacist is a highly trained individual well suited for the interprofessional team-based care that critical illness necessitates. Critical care pharmacists improve patient-centered outcomes and reduce health care costs through three domains: direct patient care, indirect patient care, and professional service. Optimizing workload of critical care pharmacists, similar to the professions of medicine and nursing, is a key next step for using evidence-based medicine to improve patient-centered outcomes.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Written Communication, Visitation Policies, and Awareness of Medical Issues Among Intensive Care Unit Families.
Open intensive care unit (ICU) visitation policies facilitate communication between clinicians and patients' families. Restrictive visitation policies (eg, during a pandemic) may reduce families' comprehension of information. ⋯ Written communication helps families correctly identify ICU issues. The benefit may be enhanced when families cannot visit the hospital. Identifier: NCT03969810.
Intensive care medicine · Jul 2023
Multicenter Study Observational StudyRelationship between COVID-19 and ICU-acquired colonization and infection related to multidrug-resistant bacteria: a prospective multicenter before-after study.
Patients presenting the most severe form of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), have a prolonged intensive care unit (ICU) stay and are exposed to broad-spectrum antibiotics, but the impact of COVID-19 on antimicrobial resistance is unknown. ⋯ COVID-19 patients had an increased incidence of ICU-MDR-inf compared to controls, but the difference was not significant when considering a composite outcome including ICU-MDR-col and/or ICU-MDR-inf.
This article gives a historical perspective of visitation in the intensive care unit (ICU) since the establishment of critical care units. Initially, visitors were not allowed because it was thought to be harmful to the patient. ⋯ Virtual visitation was introduced during the pandemic to maintain family presence, but limited evidence suggests that this is not equivalent to in-person visitation. Going forward ICUs and health systems must consider family presence policies that allow for visitation under any circumstance.