Articles: emergency-medical-services.
This article describes the National Park Service wilderness emergency medical services (EMS) system, as implemented at Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park. EMS records on all 434 patients in the period from August 1, 1986, to July 31, 1987, were reviewed. Most patients had minor problems. ⋯ Differences between the times and problems with skills maintenance. Differences between the patients treated by a wilderness system and those seen in most urban systems may make it appropriate to release a greater portion of patients without ambulance transport. In a system with long response and transport times, use of personnel with different training than in the urban setting becomes necessary.
One hundred fourteen emergency medical services agencies and 76 police chiefs throughout the United States were prospectively surveyed to ascertain the current utilization of police personnel within the prehospital care system. More than three fourths (77%) of the surveys mailed were completed. Respondents indicated the following: (1) a majority (92%) of police personnel were trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and basic first aid, (2) only half (57%) of police were trained in moving or transporting patients, and (3) few (36%) police were provided ongoing training in emergency pediatric medical skills. ⋯ The data indicate that, right or wrong, police personnel are actively involved in their prehospital care system at present. In many instances, their help may be needed. Further thought should be given toward defining an exact emergency medical services role for police personnel and toward providing adequate initial and ongoing basic medical training for these individuals.
HMO practice / HMO Group · May 1991
After-hours telephone triage. Recruitment, training and retention of personnel.
Harvard Community Health Plan's nighttime telephone triage program, currently known as Telecommunications, has evolved through several stages, corresponding to HCHP membership growth, technological enhancements, and changes in the medicolegal environment. Recruiting, training, and retaining staff for nighttime telephone triage are discussed.
This study evaluated the efficacy of glucagon for prehospital therapy of hypoglycemia in patients without IV access. ⋯ Glucagon is safe and effective therapy for hypoglycemia in the prehospital setting.