Articles: sars-cov-2.
Preventive medicine · Jan 2022
Changes in infectivity, severity and vaccine effectiveness against delta COVID-19 variant ten months into the vaccination program: The Israeli case.
We present epidemiological data to examine trends in COVID-19 incidence, morbidity and mortality in Israel as well as changes in vaccine effectiveness, and discuss the impact of the delta variant and the third, "booster", vaccine. A retrospective-archive study was conducted from February 27th 2020 to October 16th, 2021. Data were obtained from the Israeli Ministry of Health's open COVID 19 database, including PCR-confirmed cases, number hospitalized - including severe cases, death rate, all by age and vaccination status, case fatality rate and changing effectiveness of the vaccine. ⋯ The gap was regained following uptake of the third vaccine. Data from the fourth wave show reduced hospitalizations and mortality compared to previous waves and suggest that this may be related to high vaccine coverage. These trends suggest that countries with high vaccination might adopt a more permissive approach towards COVID even in the face of new variants.
Int. J. Clin. Pract. · Jan 2022
A Large Retrospective Study of Epidemiological Characteristics of COVID-19 Patients in the North of Iran: Association between SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Ct Values with Demographic Data.
To avoid worsening from mild, moderate, and severe diseases and to reduce mortality, it is necessary to identify the subpopulation that is more vulnerable to the development of COVID-19 unfavorable consequences. This study aims to investigate the demographic information, prevalence rates of common comorbidities among negative and positive real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) patients, and the association between SARS-CoV-2 cycle threshold (Ct) at hospital admission, demographic data, and outcomes of the patients in a large population in Northern Iran. ⋯ Elderly patients, lower Ct, patients having at least one comorbidity, and male cases were significantly associated with increased risk for COVID-19-related mortality. Moreover, mortality was significantly higher in patients with diabetes, kidney disease, and respiratory disease.
To determine the stability of respiratory samples for SARS-CoV-2 PCR at standard laboratory ultra-freezer temperatures (-80°C). ⋯ SARS-CoV-2 positive respiratory specimens for PCR can be stored for up to six months at -70°C or below without loss of sample integrity, though there is some loss of PCR-detected viral targets as evidenced by an immediate increased in the PCR-generated Ct values. In addition, samples with initial Ct values above 30 are more likely to give non-reproducible results.
Patient Prefer Adher · Jan 2022
Cancer Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) Regarding the Policies Implemented to Contain the Spread of Sars-CoV-2 and Vaccination Campaign at Veneto Institute of Oncology.
The SARS-CoV-2 spread has impacted Healthcare systems. COVID-19 pandemic has had consequences for patients with cancer, being associated with delays in diagnosis, in treatment And follow-up care, increase in overall infection rates and higher mortality. A survey on COVID-19 and a vaccination-questionnaire were developed at different times of the outbreak, to evaluate cancer patient-reported experience measures (PREMs) on the policies implemented to reduce the infection from SARS-CoV-2 and on the timing and methods of COVID-19 vaccination. ⋯ PREMs during COVID-19 pandemic and related vaccination can provide important information to help reorganization of the health care systems for cancer care. Patients' feedback on the organizational changes implemented in the emergency period are essential for healthcare improvement and to help informed choices that are consistent with patients' needs.
Lancet Reg Health Am · Jan 2022
Lives saved and hospitalizations averted by COVID-19 vaccination in New York City: a modeling study.
Following the start of COVID-19 vaccination in New York City (NYC), cases have declined over 10-fold from the outbreak peak in January 2020, despite the emergence of highly transmissible variants. We evaluated the impact of NYC's vaccination campaign on saving lives as well as averting hospitalizations and cases. ⋯ This study was supported by The Commonwealth Fund.