Articles: sars-cov-2.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Nov 2021
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyLow-dose hydrocortisone in patients with COVID-19 and severe hypoxia: the COVID STEROID randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
In the early phase of the pandemic, some guidelines recommended the use of corticosteroids for critically ill patients with COVID-19, whereas others recommended against the use despite lack of firm evidence of either benefit or harm. In the COVID STEROID trial, we aimed to assess the effects of low-dose hydrocortisone on patient-centred outcomes in adults with COVID-19 and severe hypoxia. ⋯ In this trial of adults with COVID-19 and severe hypoxia, we were unable to provide precise estimates of the benefits and harms of hydrocortisone as compared with placebo as only 3% of the planned sample size were enrolled.
SARS-CoV-2, causing the lethal disease COVid-19, is a public health emergency in the 2020 global pandemic. The outbreak and fast spreading of SARS-CoV-2 have a high morbidity and mortality specifically in elder patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and organ transplanted patients with immunosuppressive therapy. Preliminary results support different treatments such as chloroquine and convalescent plasma infusion in severe cases, with good outcome. ⋯ The data available today regarding the beneficial protective effect of vitamin D is unclear and with conflicting results. Large randomized control trials are necessary to test this hypothesis. In this review, we will explain the cross talk between the active vitamin D and the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, and summarize the data from the literature.
Observational Study
Early detection of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 at high risk of clinical deterioration: Utility of emergency department shock index.
The COVID-19 outbreak has put an unprecedented strain on Emergency Departments (EDs) and other critical care resources. Early detection of patients that are at high risk of clinical deterioration and require intensive monitoring, is key in ED evaluation and disposition. A rapid and easy risk-stratification tool could aid clinicians in early decision making. The Shock Index (SI: heart rate/systolic blood pressure) proved useful in detecting hemodynamic instability in sepsis and myocardial infarction patients. In this study we aim to determine whether SI is discriminative for ICU admission and in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients. ⋯ In this cohort of patients hospitalized with COVID-19, SI measured at ED presentation was not discriminative for ICU admission and was not useful for early identification of patients at risk of clinical deterioration.
Annals of Saudi medicine · Nov 2021
Case ReportsAcute infrarenal abdominal aortic occlusion in a patient with COVID-19.
A high rate of thrombotic complications have been observed in patients infected with COVID-19. These complications are related to increased blood hypercoagulabity, which can cause both venous and arterial thrombosis. We report a case of a 60-year-old man with COVID-19 pneumonia and thrombotic occlusion of the infrarenal abdominal aorta at the time of admission to the hospital. ⋯ A CT scan, which is necessary for diagnosis of COVID-19, and a CT angiography, can be used to diagnose thrombotic events. It should be kept in mind that arterial thrombosis can be present not only in hospitalized COVID-19 patients but also at the time of admission. SIMILAR CASES PUBLSHED: 1.