Articles: pain-clinics.
Randomized Controlled Trial
METHA-NeP: effectiveness and safety of methadone for neuropathic pain: a controlled randomized trial.
In this randomized, double-blind, parallel placebo-controlled clinical trial, we evaluated the efficacy of methadone as an add-on therapy for people with chronic neuropathic pain (NP). Eighty-six patients were randomly assigned to receive methadone or placebo for 8 weeks. The primary outcome was the proportion of participants achieving at least 30% pain relief from baseline using a 100-mm pain Visual Analogue Scale. ⋯ No serious adverse events or deaths occurred. Discontinuation due to adverse events was reported in 2 participants in the methadone and none in the placebo arm. Methadone use as an add-on to an optimized treatment for NP with first- and/or second-line drugs provided superior analgesia, improved sleep, and enhanced global impression of change, without being associated with significant serious adverse effects that would raise safety concerns.
Pain profiles (e.g. pro- and anti-nociceptive) can be developed using quantitative sensory testing (QST) but substantial variability exists. This study describes the variability in temporal summation of pain (TSP) and conditioned pain modulation (CPM) in chronic musculoskeletal pain patients, proposes cut-off values, and explores the association with clinical pain intensity. ⋯ This analysis shows that there is variability when assessing TSP and CPM in both pain-free subjects and patients with chronic pain. A cut-off for determining when a person is pain-sensitive is proposed, and data based on this cut-off approach suggest that significantly more patients with osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia are pain-sensitive (i.e. higher TSP and lower CPM) compared to pain-free subjects. This analysis does not find an association between pain sensitivity and clinical pain.
Opioid analgesics are commonly used to treat acute and chronic pain following traumatic injury. Psychiatric comorbidity has been reported to be associated with increased pain and persistent opioid use. Our aims were to determine the extent of post-injury opioid use and assess whether pre-injury antidepressant, benzodiazepine, and z-hypnotic drug use is associated with increased post-injury opioid use. ⋯ This large registry-based study adds to the body of knowledge on opioid use beyond in-hospital care in patients having sustained traumatic injury, a field which is scarcely investigated and not yet fully understood. It suggests that both previous drug therapy and the nature of opioid treatment initiation may affect outcome. This will help guide clinicians in selecting the appropriate pain management in this patient group.
Repetitive ischemia with reperfusion (I/R) injury is a common cause of myalgia. Ischemia with reperfusion injuries occur in many conditions that differentially affect males and females including complex regional pain syndrome and fibromyalgia. Our preclinical studies have indicated that primary afferent sensitization and behavioral hypersensitivity caused by I/R injury may be due to sex-specific gene expression in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and distinct upregulation of growth factors and cytokines in the affected muscles. ⋯ AUF1 knockdown was able to specifically inhibit repeated I/R-induced gene expression in females potentially downstream of prolactin receptor signaling. Data suggest RNA-binding proteins such as pAUF1 may underlie the sex-specific effects on DRG gene expression that modulates behavioral hypersensitivity after repeated I/R injury through prolactin signaling. This study may aid in finding distinct receptor differences related to the evolution of acute to chronic ischemic muscle pain development between sexes.
While the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in medicine has been significant, their application to acute and chronic pain management has not been well characterized. This systematic review aims to provide an overview of the current state of AI in acute and chronic pain management. ⋯ This review characterizes current applications of AI for pain management and discusses barriers to their clinical integration. Our findings support continuing efforts directed towards establishing comprehensive systems that integrate AI throughout the patient care continuum.