Articles: pain-clinics.
Chronic pain conditions are often comorbid with alcohol abuse. "Self-medication" with alcohol introduces a host of problems associated with the abuse of alcohol which over time has the potential of exacerbating the painful condition. Despite the prevalence of chronic pain being associated with alcohol abuse, rodent models which mimic the comorbid conditions are lacking. In this study, we model osteoarthritis (OA) in C57BL/6J mice by surgically destabilizing the medial meniscus (DMM). ⋯ Compared with sham controls, DMM mice consumed more EtOH and preferred EtOH over water at the 20% EtOH concentration. Histological analysis verified that the DMM mice exhibited significant damage to the articular cartilage and osteophyte growth compared with sham controls and these measures of the severity of OA correlated with the amount of ethanol intake. Thus, the combination of the DMM model of OA with the enhanced two-bottle ethanol choice is a potential preclinical approach in mice by which the basis of the comorbid association of alcohol abuse and chronic pain conditions can be explored.
Review Meta Analysis
Systematic review of patient history and physical examination to diagnose chronic low back pain originating from the facet joints.
Patient history and physical examination are frequently used procedures to diagnose chronic low back pain (CLBP) originating from the facet joints, although the diagnostic accuracy is controversial. The aim of this systematic review is to determine the diagnostic accuracy of patient history and/or physical examination to identify CLBP originating from the facet joints using diagnostic blocks as reference standard. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science and the Cochrane Collaboration database from inception until June 2016. ⋯ Due to clinical heterogeneity, the evidence for the diagnostic accuracy of patient history and/or physical examination to identify facet joint pain is inconclusive. Patient history and physical examination cannot be used to limit the need of a diagnostic block. The validity of the diagnostic facet joint block should be studied, and high quality studies are required to confirm the results of single studies.
Even though validation studies of the WHO analgesic ladder have indicated that the simple approach of the analgesic ladder can provide adequate pain control in most patients, prevalence studies have documented a high prevalence of pain in cancer patients. Little is known about how analgesics are actually prescribed for cancer pain. The aim of the study was to study prescriptions of analgesics during the entire disease trajectory in patients dying from cancer within five years of diagnosis. ⋯ Complete national data covering the complete disease trajectory in cancer patients dying within five years of diagnosis. The majority of patients do not receive treatment in concordance with the stepwise approach suggested by the WHO analgesic ladder.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Functional status, physical activity level, and exercise regularity in patients with fibromyalgia after Multidisciplinary treatment: retrospective analysis of a randomized controlled trial.
Multidisciplinary treatments have shown to be effective for fibromyalgia. We report detailed functional outcomes of patients with fibromyalgia who attended a 3-month Multidisciplinary treatment program. The hypothesis was that patients would have increased functional status, physical activity level, and exercise regularity after attending this program. ⋯ In that group, steps/day showed more regularity, and the 6 MW results showed improvement of -33.00 (-59.8 to -8.25) m, and the differences from the Control group were statistically significant. The patients who underwent the Multidisciplinary treatment had improved functional status, physical activity level, and exercise regularity. The functional improvements were maintained 1 year after treatment completion.
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a poorly understood pain disorder of the limbs. Maladaptive cortical plasticity has been shown to play a major role in its pathophysiological presentation. Recently, there is increasing interest in the role of the basal ganglia (BG), since clinical findings and neuroimaging studies point to possible BG involvement in CRPS. ⋯ Moreover, several neuroimaging studies documented abnormalities in the BG and in the frontal, parietal and limbic cortical areas. These regions are functionally and anatomically connected in motor, pain and working memory networks. Put together, these findings call for further characterization of the dynamic cortical and subcortical interactions in CRPS.