Articles: pain-clinics.
The chronic pain management structures were identified by the French health authorities regarding two levels: consultation (with a pluri-professional organization and proximity missions) and the center (with a multidisciplinary organization and expertise). Access to these structures is facilitated by guidelines published in 2008 by the Haute Autorité de santé.
J Oncol Pharm Pract · Jun 2013
Evaluation of clinical pharmacists' follow-up service in an oncology pain clinic.
Patients who present with pain in an oncology setting are often complex and require a multidisciplinary approach for symptom control. The Pain and Symptom Control Clinic at Tom Baker Cancer Center includes two pharmacists who participate in weekly multidisciplinary clinics and provide a follow-up service to patients. ⋯ The inclusion of pharmacists in the Pain and Symptom Control Clinic is favored by patients and health care professionals and provides increased efficiency to the clinic.
Despite well-designed concepts of perioperative pain management, recent studies have revealed that a large number of patients still suffer from unacceptable pain after surgery. The purpose of this prospective evaluation was to critically analyze postoperative pain treatment provided by a routinely established, DIN certified acute pain service (APS) at the University Hospital Großhadern in Munich. ⋯ As described in many prospective studies, this evaluation revealed that for postoperative pain control, regional anesthesia is superior to intravenous patient-controlled analgesia with strong opioids in terms of analgesia and side effects. In the setting of a well-organized acute pain service with frequent education and training of all members involved, postoperative pain management is safe and effective. However, regular re-evaluation of the defined and certified procedures is necessary.
Review Comparative Study
[Integrated headache care network. Kiel Migraine and Headache Center and German National Headache Treatment Network].
Migraine and other headaches affect 54 million people in Germany. They rank among the ten most severely disabling complaints and the three most expensive neurological disorders. Nevertheless, they are not adequately recognized in the healthcare system with sketchy diagnoses and inadequate treatment. ⋯ A national network of outpatient and inpatient pain therapists in both practices and hospitals works hand in hand to optimally alleviate pain in a comprehensive cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary manner. For therapy refractive disorders, a high-intensive supraregional fully inpatient treatment can be arranged. This concept offers for the first time a nationwide coordinated treatment without limitation by specialization and bureaucratic remuneration sectors.