Articles: opioid.
Clinical therapeutics · Feb 2018
Challenges Involved in the Development and Delivery of Abuse-deterrent Formulations of Opioid Analgesics.
This commentary examines the development, regulatory, and reimbursement challenges facing abuse-deterrent formulation (ADF) products. ⋯ Clinical development challenges need to be overcome with respect to novel ADF technologies, such as prodrugs and deterrents against oral abuse. More clarity is needed from regulatory authorities on labeling claims and data exclusivity eligibility with respect to ADFs. Ensuring prescriber training and awareness of various options for treating pain, including ADF products, is an important step, as is educating payers about the public health benefits of ADFs in appropriate subpopulations of pain patients. In addition, physicians may need to incorporate appropriate risk stratification methods. Finally, it is important to establish a level playing field between coverage of ADF and non-ADF products so that non-ADF products are not given preferred formulary placement.
Drug Alcohol Depend · Feb 2018
Randomized Controlled TrialOndansetron does not prevent physical dependence in patients taking opioid medications chronically for pain control.
In this study, we investigated the co-administration of ondansetron with morphine, and whether it could prevent the development of physical dependence in patients taking opioids for the treatment of chronic pain. ⋯ We hypothesized that ondansetron would prevent the development of physical dependence in human subjects when co-administered with opioids, but found no difference in naloxone-precipitated opioid withdrawal scores between ondansetron and placebo treatment groups. These results suggest that further studies are needed to determine if 5HT3 receptor antagonists are useful in preventing opioid physical dependence.
Pain is a common symptom in many types of cancer. Interdisciplinary team management, including pain assessment, explanation to the patient/family, treating the reversible, non-pharmacological treatments and reassessment are essential. This article focuses on the pharmacological management of cancer pain, and overviews and updates on the recent advances in this field. ⋯ For opioid analgesics, side effects of opioids are discussed alongside practical guidance on opioid prescribing and converting between opioids. Newer drugs such as tapentadol are considered in this update. Amitriptyline, duloxetine, gabapentin and pregabalin, and the guidance for their use are reviewed in the coanalgesics (adjuvants) section.
The number of opioids prescribed and used has increased precipitously over the past 2 decades for a number of reasons and has led to increases in long-term dependency, opioid-related deaths, and diversion. Most studies examining the role of prescribing habits have investigated nonoperative providers, although there is some literature describing perioperative opioid prescription and use. There are no studies looking at the number of pills consumed after outpatient foot and ankle surgeries, nor are there guidelines for how many pills providers should prescribe. The purpose of this study was to quantify the number of narcotic pills taken by opioid-naïve patients undergoing outpatient foot and ankle surgeries with regional anesthesia. ⋯ Level II, prospective comparative study.
Molecular neurobiology · Feb 2018
Nanoemulsion Thermoreversible Pluronic F127-Based Hydrogel Containing Hyptis pectinata (Lamiaceae) Leaf Essential Oil Produced a Lasting Anti-hyperalgesic Effect in Chronic Noninflammatory Widespread Pain in Mice.
We evaluated if a nanostructured thermoreversible Pluronic F127-based hydrogel incorporated with Hyptis pectinata leaf essential oil (NE-EOH) produces a long-lasting anti-hyperalgesic effect on chronic muscle pain in an animal model. We induced chronic muscle pain by injecting the gastrocnemius with saline injections. Paw and muscle withdrawal thresholds and motor performance were evaluated after treatment and compared with morphine, diazepam, or vehicle. ⋯ NE-EOH was shown to produce a lasting anti-hyperalgesic effect. It uses opioid and serotonin receptors, activates brainstem inhibitory pathways, and reduces the release of excitatory neurotransmitters in the spinal cord and is a substance with potential to be used in the treatment of noninflammatory pain conditions. Graphical Abstract.