Articles: emergency-medicine.
Orbital cellulitis is an uncommon but serious condition that carries with it a potential for significant morbidity. ⋯ An understanding of orbital cellulitis can assist emergency clinicians in diagnosing and managing this sight-threatening infectious process.
As a relatively new field, there has been a recent explosion in evidence around the management of children in the emergency department (ED). This review highlights 10 articles published in the last year providing evidence that is germane to the care of children by emergency medicine (EM) physicians. There is a focus on high prevalence conditions, such as fever and trauma, as well as interventions that can improve mortality, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and massive transfusion.
Multicenter Study
Do patient outcomes differ when the trauma team leader is a surgeon or non-surgeon? A multicentre cohort study.
Trauma team leaders (TTLs) have traditionally been general surgeons; however, some trauma centres use a mixed model of care where both surgeons and non-surgeons (primarily emergency physicians) perform this role. The objective of this multicentre study was to provide a well-powered study to determine if TTL specialty is associated with mortality among major trauma patients. ⋯ After risk adjustment, there was no difference in mortality between trauma patients treated by surgeon or non-surgeon TTLs. Our study supports emergency physicians performing the role of TTL at level 1 trauma centres.
We compare intubation first-attempt success with the direct laryngoscope, hyperangulated video laryngoscope, and standard geometry video laryngoscope among emergency medicine residents at various postgraduate years (PGY) of training. ⋯ Each laryngoscopy device class was associated with improvement in first-attempt success as training progressed. The video laryngoscope outperformed the direct laryngoscope for all operator groups, and PGY-1 trainees achieved higher first-attempt success using a standard geometry video laryngoscope than PGY-3+ trainees using a direct laryngoscope. These findings support the conjecture that in adult patients, a direct laryngoscope should not be routinely used for the first intubation attempt unless clinical circumstances, such as the presence of a soiled airway, would favor its success. These findings need to be validated with prospective randomized clinical trials.