Articles: emergency-medicine.
Emergency physicians desire to provide their patients with care that is of the highest quality and is cost effective. Any tool that promotes these aims is good and should be used. ⋯ ACEP has initiated a process for the development and evaluation of selected clinical policies. We anxiously await information that sheds light on the value of policies in enhancing the clinical practice of emergency medicine.
This article outlines the objectives for a resident rotation on a pediatric emergency medicine service that is geographically separate from adult-oriented facilities. In this setting, pediatric emergency department care is considered an off service. ⋯ The content of the pediatric emergency department educational exposure can be attained in a concentrated 2-month exposure at a pediatric facility or extracted throughout the course of multiple pediatric encounters at a general emergency department. These objectives are a part of a continuing series on the goals and objectives to direct emergency medicine resident training on off-service rotations.
Interest in pediatric emergency medicine has grown steadily during the past decade among pediatricians and emergency physicians. With the rapid proliferation of pediatric emergency medicine programs for pediatricians has come extensive and valuable experience with this type of fellowship education. As a result, the structure and scope of these programs have become increasingly well established. ⋯ The recent establishment of guidelines for pediatric emergency medicine subspecialty certification by the American Board of Emergency Medicine and the American Board of Pediatrics brings new importance to fostering such standards for the training for emergency physicians. To this end, we present a proposed pediatric emergency medicine fellowship program developed during a retreat that included physicians from an emergency medicine program and two pediatric hospitals. We also review some of the significant events that have occurred in the evolution of pediatric emergency care.
To describe the characteristics of malpractice claims against emergency physicians and to identify causes and potential preventability of such claims. ⋯ Emergency physicians must have a particular awareness of their great risk exposure for missed myocardial infarction. Addition of dictation or voice-activated record generation systems, departmental protocols for radiograph follow-ups, and holding and re-evaluation of the intoxicated patient will help provide systems supports for reducing the liability of individual emergency physicians.