Articles: emergency-medicine.
This article is the first of two parts outlining the objectives for a resident rotating in the intensive care unit (ICU). It is part of a larger continuing series on the goals and objectives to direct the training of emergency medicine residents on off-service rotations. ⋯ Critical care is a logical continuum for the sick and injured patient as he moves from the prehospital and emergency department (ED) settings to the ICU. These objectives are designed to focus the resident's reading and study during a critical care rotation.
Vestn. Otorinolaringol. · May 1991
[Experience in teaching emergency care at the otorhinolaryngological faculty of the continuing medical training].
In order to improve the expertise and special skills of ENT doctors dealing with urgent cases, the curriculum of advanced medical training courses (the city of Donetsk) has been modified to include several stages: evaluation of the qualification of students; lectures, seminars, practical lessons. This helps ENT doctors to be better prepared when coping with urgent cases, which in turn leads to lower lethality rate and more successful rehabilitation of patients.
Twenty-four percent of all medical care contacts are made on the telephone. Practicing pediatricians and emergency physicians often manage children's illnesses by telephone. Studies have shown that there is a need for improved communication between physicians and patients, and it is believed that quality of, and satisfaction with, health care services will improve with increased emphasis on interpersonal communication skills in medical training. ⋯ K. is outlined. Topic sessions in the pediatric emergency department and individual resident review sessions are discussed. The guidelines designed to follow the conceptual framework are presented.
A survey of all known pediatric emergency medicine fellowship programs as of December 1990 was conducted in order to characterize and compare certain attributes of these programs with those that existed in 1988. The following attributes of the training programs were studied: number of programs, length of training, number of first-year positions, number of graduates, program participation in the National Resident Match Program, amount of clinical time required, elective rotations, didactic, research, administrative, and teaching experience, patient volumes, and attending staffing. ⋯ Patient volumes vary between 15,000 and 90,000, with a median of 39,000. The data offered are meant to act as a guide to further development of new and existing programs.