Articles: emergency-medicine.
Pediatric emergency care · Dec 2023
Management of Acute Injury and Illness in Pediatric Athletes by Athletic Trainers: Compliance With Emergency Medicine and Athletic Trainer Evidence-Based Guidelines.
This study aimed to determine athletic trainer compliance with emergency medicine and athletic training evidence-based guidelines for the on-the-field management of common pediatric sports-related injury and illness. ⋯ Based on our sample, athletic trainers were compliant with many guidelines supported by both emergency medicine and athletic training. We identified several deficiencies in the availability of evidence-based guidelines and discrepancies between these guidelines and athletic trainer responses. To provide optimal care to pediatric athletes who sustain injury or illness, emergency medicine and athletic training organizations should collaborate to improve these discrepancies.
Stingray envenomation is a common presenting complaint for coastal emergency departments in the United States. Currently, radiograph is the gold standard to evaluate for a retained stingray barb, but ultrasound may be a useful tool to detect retained barbs. ⋯ The use of point-of-care ultrasound by novice sonographers lacks sensitivity to identify retained stingray barbs in animal models and is not significantly impacted by resident experience with point-of-care ultrasound.
Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg · Dec 2023
Meta AnalysisSurgical versus non-surgical treatment of flail chest: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Conflicting evidence exists on the choice of surgical or non-surgical treatment of flail chest injuries. We aimed to perform a meta-analysis comparing outcomes in patients presenting flail chest undergoing surgical or non-surgical treatment. ⋯ Our results suggest that surgical treatment is advantageous compared to non-surgical treatment for patients with flail chest secondary to rib fractures.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) may lead to stroke, heart failure, and death. When AF occurs in the context of a rapid ventricular rate/response (RVR), this can lead to complications, including hypoperfusion and cardiac ischemia. Emergency physicians play a key role in the diagnosis and management of this dysrhythmia. ⋯ An understanding of the recent updates in the literature concerning AF with RVR can assist emergency clinicians in the care of these patients.