Articles: respiratory-distress-syndrome.
Lung-protective ventilation is a standard intervention for mitigating ventilator-induced lung injury in patients with ARDS. Despite its efficacy, adherence to contemporary evidence-based guidelines remains suboptimal. We aimed to identify factors that affect the adherence of staff to applying lung-protective ventilation guidelines by analyzing real-time, continuously monitored ventilation data over a 5-year longitudinal period. ⋯ Staff are not yet universally adherent to lung-protective ventilation best practices. Strategies, for example, continuous monitoring, with frequent feedback to clinical teams may help.
PEEP is a cornerstone treatment for children with pediatric ARDS. Unfortunately, its titration is often performed solely by evaluating oxygen saturation, which can lead to inadequate PEEP level settings and consequent adverse effects. This study aimed to assess the impact of increasing PEEP on hemodynamics, respiratory system mechanics, and oxygenation in children with ARDS. ⋯ Although it may improve arterial oxygen saturation, inappropriately high PEEP levels may reduce cardiac output, oxygen delivery, and respiratory system compliance in pediatric subjects with ARDS with low potential for lung recruitability.
Observational Study
Quantitative CT scan and response to pronation in COVID-19 ARDS.
The use of prone position (PP) has been widespread during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whereas it has demonstrated benefits, including improved oxygenation and lung aeration, the factors influencing the response in terms of gas exchange to PP remain unclear. In particular, the association between baseline quantitative computed tomography (CT) scan results and gas exchange response to PP in invasively ventilated subjects with COVID-19 ARDS is unknown. The present study aimed to compare baseline quantitative CT results between subjects responding to PP in terms of oxygenation or CO2 clearance and those who did not. ⋯ Most subjects with COVID-19-related ARDS improved their oxygenation at the first pronation cycle. The study suggests that baseline quantitative CT scan data were not associated with the response to PP in oxygenation or CO2 in mechanically ventilated subjects with COVID-19-related ARDS.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Identification of novel sub-phenotypes of severe ARDS requiring ECMO using latent class analysis.
Sub-phenotyping of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) could be useful for evaluating the severity of ARDS or predicting its responsiveness to given therapeutic strategies, but no studies have yet investigated the heterogeneity of patients with severe ARDS requiring veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (V-V ECMO). ⋯ The three sub-phenotypes showed different mortality rates and different relationships between higher PEEP settings in the early phase of V-V ECMO and patient outcomes. Our data suggest that we may need to change our management approach to patients with severe ARDS during V-V ECMO according to their clinical sub-phenotype.
Observational Study
Rehabilitation for Patients with COVID-19-Associated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome During Quarantine: A Single-Center Experience.
Background and Objectives: In this study, we evaluated clinical factors associated with implementing a rehabilitation program for patients with COVID-19-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) requiring mechanical ventilation (MV) during the quarantine period. Materials and Methods: This observational study was conducted in the National Designated Isolated ICU, a dedicated COVID-19 center with 18 beds, from 30 December 2020 to 30 May 2022. One hundred and fifty-four patients (mean age: 67.3 ± 13.4 years; male: 59.7%) were enrolled. ⋯ One-year cumulative mortality rates for patients with 0 to 3 factors were 66.7%, 50.8%, 38.9%, and 15.4%, respectively, with a significant difference among them (log-rank, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Three clinical factors associated with implementing a rehabilitation program during the quarantine period for COVID-19-associated ARDS patients were identified. The program was feasible and beneficial, particularly for younger patients with lower illness severity and fewer comorbidities on the day of MV.