Articles: critical-illness.
Meta Analysis
Prevalence of peri-intubation major adverse events among critically ill patients: A systematic review and meta analysis.
Peri-intubation major adverse events (MAEs) are potentially preventable and associated with poor patient outcomes. Critically ill patients intubated in Emergency Departments, Intensive Care Units or medical wards are at particularly high risk for MAEs. Understanding the prevalence and risk factors for MAEs can help physicians anticipate and prepare for the physiologically difficult airway. ⋯ Almost one in three patients intubated outside the OR and PACU experience a peri-intubation MAE. Patients intubated in the ICU and those with pre-existing hemodynamic compromise are at highest risk. Resuscitation should be considered an integral part of all intubations, particularly in high-risk patients.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Sep 2023
The Association of the Lactate-Albumin Ratio With Mortality and Multiple Organ Dysfunction in PICU Patients.
To compare the relative associations of lactate, albumin, and the lactate-albumin ratio (LAR) measured early in disease course against mortality and prevalence of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) in a general sample of critically ill pediatric patients. ⋯ LAR measured early in the course of critical illness is significantly associated with mortality and development of MODS when compared with initial lactate or initial albumin alone in critically ill pediatric patients.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an invasive intervention that is both resource- and labor-intensive. It can also be emotionally challenging for all involved. Palliative care (PC) clinicians can support adult patients, families, surrogate decision makers, and the interdisciplinary team (IDT) throughout ECMO, starting at the time of ECMO initiation through discontinuation and to bereavement in the event of a patient's death. ⋯ Not only are PC clinicians' skills needed to manage symptoms and psychosocial needs but also during end-of-life care, which can often be rapid and requires team consensus to ensure a smooth clinical process with continuous family support. While using their expert communication skills to conduct frequent family meetings, ideally starting within one week of ECMO initiation and weekly thereafter, PC clinicians offer a consistent presence and "big picture" perspective for patients and families, while other members of the IDT may rotate regularly. PC clinicians will also be called on to assist members of the IDT to debrief about the understandable moral and emotional distress they may experience while providing care for patients receiving ECMO and their families.
Transcutaneous carbon dioxide (Ptcco2) measurement is a non-invasive surrogate marker for arterial carbon dioxide (Paco2), which requires invasive arterial blood sampling. Use of Ptcco2 has been examined in different clinical settings, however, most existing evidence in the adult emergency department (ED) setting shows insufficient agreement between the measurements. This study assessed the level of agreement between Ptcco2 and Paco2 in undifferentiated adult ED patients across multiple timepoints. ⋯ The level of agreement between Ptcco2 and Paco2 measurements may not be sufficiently precise for the adoption of Ptcco2 monitoring in patients presenting to the ED.