Articles: anesthetics.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
HTX-011 reduced pain intensity and opioid consumption versus bupivacaine HCl in herniorrhaphy: results from the phase 3 EPOCH 2 study.
Currently available local anesthetics have not demonstrated sufficient analgesia beyond 12-24 h postoperatively. The purpose of the study was to assess the safety and efficacy of HTX-011 (bupivacaine and meloxicam in Biochronomer® polymer technology), a long-acting investigational anesthetic, in reducing both postoperative pain over 72 h and postoperative opioid use compared to bupivacaine hydrochloride (HCl). ⋯ HTX-011 demonstrated significant improvement in postoperative pain control and a clinically meaningful reduction in opioid consumption when compared to the most widely used local anesthetic, bupivacaine HCl.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Anaesthetic depth and complications after major surgery: an international, randomised controlled trial.
What’s all the fuss?
Significant observational evidence suggested an association between mortality and deep anaesthesia, in particular a 2017 meta-analysis. However it has been suspected that anaesthetic depth may merely be a surrogate marker for intraoperative hypotension, a well-established risk factor for post-operative mortality and morbidity.
With this large RCT, the Balanced Anaesthesia Study Group has shown that deep general anaesthesia is not associated with an increase 1-year mortality.
What did they do?
The researchers conducted an ambitious, large (6,644 patients), multi-center, randomised controlled trial. Patients aged ≥60 years undergoing major surgery (expected ≥2h surgery and ≥2d hospital stay) were randomised to receive volatile general anaesthesia targeting BIS 50 or BIS 35.
To minimise intra-operative blood pressure as a confounder, anaesthetists were required to specify a target MAP before BIS-group allocation.
They found...
Not only was there no mortality difference between the BIS 50 and BIS 35 groups, there were also no major or moderate morbidity differences, or difference in recovery or length of stay. BIS targets were adequately achieved, though not perfect, and MAP was clinically similar for both groups.
Context is everything
This is about as high-quality as a large, modern study looking at longer-term outcomes can get. It is widely applicable to most populations and common general anaesthetic scenarios, except for a few important caveats:
- Very few ASA 4 (5%) patients were enrolled.
- Only volatile-maintenance anaesthesia was studied not propofol/TIVA.
- We can draw no conclusion regarding the consequences of extreme-depth (ie. BIS << 35).
- The actual depth difference between the BIS-35 and BIS-50 groups was not as much as perhaps ideal: mean BIS 39 vs 47 respectively...
Final thought
...there was (only) one case of awareness in the light-depth BIS 50 group, despite 39% of patients receiving volatile < 0.7 MAC.
summary -
Advances in therapy · Nov 2019
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyAnalgesic Efficacy, Practicality and Safety of Inhaled Methoxyflurane Versus Standard Analgesic Treatment for Acute Trauma Pain in the Emergency Setting: A Randomised, Open-Label, Active-Controlled, Multicentre Trial in Italy (MEDITA).
Inhaled low-dose methoxyflurane is approved in Europe for emergency relief of moderate-to-severe trauma-related pain in adults, but data versus active comparators are sparse. The phase IIIb Methoxyflurane in Emergency Department in ITAly (MEDITA) trial investigated the analgesic efficacy, practicality and safety of methoxyflurane versus standard analgesic treatment (SAT) for acute trauma pain. ⋯ Methoxyflurane provided superior pain relief to SAT in patients with moderate-to-severe trauma pain and may offer a simple, fast, effective non-opioid treatment option.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Nov 2019
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyCombination of Perineural and Wound Infusion After Above Knee Amputation - A randomized, controlled multicenter study.
Post-operative pain after an above-knee amputation is often severe, and in the elderly patients the adverse effects of post-operative opioids are evident. We hypothesized that continuous perineural local anesthetic infusion (CPI) combined to a wound infusion will reduce acute pain and opioid consumption compared to placebo after above knee amputation. ⋯ A combination of continuous perineural and wound local anesthetic infusion seems to diminish the intensity of stump pain after above knee amputation.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Retroclavicular vs Infraclavicular block for brachial plexus anesthesia: a multi-centric randomized trial.
The coracoid approach is a simple method to perform ultrasound-guided brachial plexus regional anesthesia (RA) but its simplicity is counterbalanced by a difficult needle visualization. We hypothesized that the retroclavicular (RCB) approach is not longer to perform when compared to the coracoid (ICB) approach, and improves needle visualization. ⋯ (NCT02913625), registered 26 September 2016.