Articles: mortality.
Delirium is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome presenting primarily with disturbances of cognition, perception and sensorium, alertness, sleep/wake cycle, and psychomotor behavior in the context of a medical etiology. The presentation can be quite variable among patients and even within a given patient because of its waxing and waning course. This variability and overlap with other psychiatric syndromes has led to substantial underrecognition and undertreatment in clinical settings. ⋯ Similarly, research is warranted that focuses on preventing delirium, potentially by identifying susceptible patients and intervening early. It is particularly challenging to devise cost-effective interventions for preventing and identifying delirium early in its course, given the rapid pace and resource limitations in inpatient and intensive care settings, and current data do not clearly indicate that such systems have proven benefit. Still, the indisputable health and financial costs of delirium indicate that prevention and identification should be a high priority.
Comparative Study
[Predictive value of the quality of life questionnaire in the elderly].
To evaluate the predictive value of the quality of life (QOL) questionnaire at 8 years and analyse which of its 5 dimensions better predict adverse results in health. ⋯ The QOL questionnaire has a mortality predictive capacity at 8 years.
Ugeskrift for laeger · Aug 2008
Comparative Study[Life expectancy and mortality in Denmark compared to Sweden. What is the effect of smoking and alcohol?].
For many years life expectancy in Denmark has improved less than in other comparable western countries, e.g. Sweden. An unhealthy life style, in particular the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, has often been mentioned as a possible explanation. ⋯ A very substantial part of the Danish excess mortality and low life expectancy compared to Sweden can be attributed to high mortality related to alcohol and tobacco consumption. A reduction of this difference in life expectancy does not seem realistic without a reduction in the consumption of tobacco and alcohol.
Critical care medicine · Aug 2008
Predictors of mortality in patients with suspected propofol infusion syndrome.
To identify predictors of mortality in patients with suspected propofol infusion syndrome and to develop a simple scoring system to identify patients with suspected propofol infusion syndrome who are most at risk of death. ⋯ A number of characteristics are independently associated with higher mortality in patients with suspected propofol infusion syndrome, only some of which are currently reflected in the package insert. Further research should focus on prospectively evaluating the mortality scoring system in patients with suspected propofol infusion syndrome.
Rev Epidemiol Sante · Aug 2008
Comparative Study[Measure of premature mortality: comparison of deaths before age 65 and expected years of life lost].
For many years in France, premature mortality (i.e., deaths before 65 years old) and avoidable deaths have generally been used to monitor health of the population and help to elaborate policies in this area. This paper aims to examine the utility of another indicator of premature mortality, which makes it possible to take into account the impact of deaths, the expected years of life lost (EYLL). ⋯ The concept of premature mortality is difficult to define and discussions persist on the age limit to use for its quantification. The choice of an indicator strongly depends on the use which one wishes to make. The simple analysis of deaths before 65 years currently used to describe premature mortality in France makes it possible to describe its frequency. The use of a summary measure as EYLL allows to quantify the impact of premature mortality by giving different weights to deaths depending on the age of occurrence. EYLL, thus, seems to be an indicator, which is particularly adapted to decision-making in public health, depending on choices and values one wishes to give preference to.