Articles: health.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) yields important information on the development and current status of many different diseases. Whole-body MRI was accordingly made a part of the multicenter, population-based NAKO Health Study. The present analysis concerns the feasibility of the baseline MRI examination and various aspects of quality assurance over the period 2014-2019. ⋯ Whole-body MRI was successfully implemented in the NAKO baseline examination and was associated with high patient comfort and very good image quality. The imaging biomarkers of the brain confirmed previously observed differences based on age and sex, underscoring the feasibility of data pooling.
The emergence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, driven by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, precipitated an unprecedented public health crisis, necessitating comprehensive response worldwide. The Ile-De-France region has been particularly affected, leading to rapid health care system strain and hospital saturation. Within this context, the 1st Armed Forces Medical Centre swiftly adapted its primary care services to cater to the unique needs of military personnel, leveraging telemedicine technologies for efficient health care delivery. ⋯ This study provides valuable insights into the clinical course of non-severe COVID-19 cases among military personnel receiving outpatient care, delineating five distinct symptom profiles. This complexity underscores the challenges in predicting and managing symptomatology effectively. Our findings align with existing literature but offer a unique perspective on military cohorts. Notably, in confined military settings with predominantly young and healthy individuals, symptomatic presentations tend to be milder. Robust public health interventions, including quarantine and contact tracing, are crucial to maintaining operational readiness amidst the pandemic's challenges.
Technology is increasingly shaping human life, particularly in healthcare, where recent advancements have revolutionized patient care. Despite these advances, the World Health Organization's (WHO) definition of health remains rooted in traditional notions, raising questions about its adequacy in light of technological progress. This paper explores the conceptual and practical limitations of the current definition and argues for its revision to encompass the role of technology in health. ⋯ Given technology's transformative role in healthcare, this paper argues for a revaluation of the WHO's definition of health to encapsulate the evolving relationship between technology and human well-being. At the end, we propose a new definition recognizing that health is a dynamic state of physical, mental, social, and technological well-being, wherein individuals can achieve optimal quality of life through the harmonious integration of biological, psychological, and technological factors. This state encompasses not only the absence of disease but also the effective utilization of advanced technologies.