Articles: health.
Pregnant women have much higher iodine requirements as compared to all other population groups. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) recommends pregnant women take a daily iodine supplement of 150 μg to meet their high iodine requirements. ⋯ Despite NHMRC guidelines for iodine supplementation during pregnancy, many women were not taking a sufficient iodine supplement. Pregnant women may be inclined to take an iodine supplement if they had greater knowledge of their increased iodine needs during pregnancy. Medical practitioners are best placed to provide this information to pregnant women.
The global health crisis in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) reveals a deep global health inequity that lies at the heart of global justice concerns. Mirroring the HIV/AIDS epidemic, NCDs bring into stark relief once more the human consequences of trade policies that reinforce global inequities in treatment access. Recognising distributive justice issues in access to medicines for their populations, World Trade Organisation (WTO) members confirmed the primacy of access to medicines for all in trade and public health in the landmark Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health of 2001.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. · Jul 2014
Extensive pathogenicity of mitochondrial heteroplasmy in healthy human individuals.
A majority of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations reported to be implicated in diseases are heteroplasmic, a status with coexisting mtDNA variants in a single cell. Quantifying the prevalence of mitochondrial heteroplasmy and its pathogenic effect in healthy individuals could further our understanding of its possible roles in various diseases. A total of 1,085 human individuals from 14 global populations have been sequenced by the 1000 Genomes Project to a mean coverage of ∼2,000× on mtDNA. ⋯ Purifying selection on heteroplasmies can also be inferred from nonsynonymous and synonymous heteroplasmy comparison and the unfolded site frequency spectra for different functional sites in mtDNA. Nevertheless, in comparison with population polymorphic mtDNA mutations, the purifying selection is much less efficient in removing heteroplasmic mutations. The prevalence of mitochondrial heteroplasmy with high pathogenic potential in healthy individuals, along with the possibility of these mutations drifting to high frequency inside a subpopulation of cells across lifespan, emphasizes the importance of managing mitochondrial heteroplasmy to prevent disease progression.
To examine availability of International Diabetes Federation (IDF)-recommended diabetes indicators in the medical charts of patients in active care at a public health centre in southwest Trinidad and Tobago, and to determine clinical status of the patient population according to Caribbean Health Research Council/Pan American Health Organization (CHRC/PAHO) guidelines for disease control. ⋯ Although availability of indicators suggests an increase from prior audits reported in the literature, current reporting patterns challenge optimal patient management and future systematic evaluation of trends in diabetes care and outcomes.