Articles: health.
Treatment Referrals Post-prohibition of Alcohol Exclusion Laws: Evidence from Colorado and Illinois.
Individuals with alcohol-related disorders often encounter barriers to accessing treatment. One potential barrier is the state alcohol exclusion laws (AELs) that allow insurers to deny coverage for injuries or illnesses caused by alcohol intoxication. Several states have repealed AELs by prohibiting them completely, including banning exclusions in health and accident insurance policies, limiting their scope, or creating exemptions. ⋯ Our study reveals a potential positive association between the repeal and prohibition of AELs and increased alcohol-related treatment admissions. These findings suggest that states could enhance treatment opportunities for alcohol-related disorders by reconsidering their stance on AELs. While our study highlights the possible public health benefits of repealing AELs, it also paves the way for additional studies in this domain.
Radium-223 dichloride (Ra-223) prolongs overall survival (OS) in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) with symptomatic bone metastases. However, there is considerable variation in outcomes among individuals. We aimed to evaluate the prognostic determinants associated with patient survival following National Health Insurance (NHI) reimbursement for Ra-223 therapy in Taiwan. ⋯ Administration of Ra-223 demonstrates considerable potential to extend the survival of patients with mCRPC. Survival outcomes may be influenced by various prognostic factors. However, no significant difference in OS was observed subsequent to reimbursement of Ra-223 therapy for mCRPC through the NHI system in Taiwan.
Few data have assessed trends in diet quality among U.S. adults. ⋯ National Institutes of Health.
The delivery of population health education in medical school can be challenging. We developed a patient outreach activity for third-year students to teach them the role of population panel management in primary care. ⋯ An opportunity exists to continue to teach students about how to communicate with patients about their health and how to address and improve social determinants of health. This curricular activity can be a step toward efforts to align population health and clinical practice and a way for medical students to add value by educating patients.
Fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) are evidence-based means of tracking observable biomarkers of a woman's fertility for the purpose of reproductive health monitoring and family planning. However, medical education regarding FABMs is limited. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a 4-week, two-part online elective on students' knowledge of FABMs, confidence in explaining and offering them to patients, and anticipated behaviors in future practice. ⋯ This online elective addresses the knowledge gap in FABMs and was effective in improving students' knowledge of FABMs and their confidence and willingness to offer these methods to patients for family planning and management of common women's health conditions.