Articles: health.
In this study, we explored key prescription drug monitoring program-related outcomes among clinicians from a broad cohort of Massachusetts healthcare facilities following prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) and electronic health record (EHR) data integration. ⋯ Our results support EHR integration contributing to PDMP utilization by clinicians but do not support changes in opioid prescribing behavior.
Observational Study
Healthcare-Associated Infections and the Use of Antibiotics in German Hospitals—Results of the Point Prevalence Survey of 2022 and Comparison With Earlier Findings.
A national point prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and antibiotic use (AU) was carried out in Germany in 2022 in the framework of the European PPS conducted by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The objective was to determine the prevalence of HAI and AU in German hospitals and to compare the obtained values with those of the most recent previous PPS, which was carried out in 2016. ⋯ HAI were just as frequent in 2022 as in 2016, affecting approximately one in twenty hospitalized patients on any given day.