Articles: health.
Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior pose significant health concerns, particularly among young adults like college students. However, little research exists on the attitudes towards physical activity among Saudi Arabian healthcare students. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of physical activity and determine the reason for being physically inactive among students and interns across all programs in the College of Applied Medical Sciences (CAMS) at King Saud University (KSU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. ⋯ A lack of time was cited as the primary reason for inactivity by most students. Future research should focus on strategies to enhance physical activity among healthcare students. In addition, academicians and policymakers should propose time-efficient initiatives that accommodate the demanding and busy schedules of healthcare students.
Overweight is defined as a condition in which abnormal accumulation of fat directly affects an individual personality and health leading to a marked increase in morbidity and mortality. It has a direct impact on both the psychological aspects of an individual's personality and their overall health. The objective of this study was to find out the prevalence of overweight among medical students in a medical college. ⋯ anthropometry; body mass index; body weight; overweight.
Observational Study
What is known about osteoporosis research in Latin America?: A bibliometric analysis of three decades.
Identifying the gaps in scientific production in a topic allows directing research in order to make better public investment decisions. Bibliometric data on osteoporosis in Latin America are very limited and unclear and, given the impact of this disease in this region, it is relevant to analyze the latest trends in the subject. The study approach was quantitative, observational-descriptive, cross-sectional. ⋯ Latin American scientific production in osteoporosis has shown a significant increase. However, in the last 3 years it has shown a slight reduction. Greater intraregional collaboration involving universities, institutions and health societies is needed.
Emotional eating (EE) has been found to be associated with depression, anxiety, excessive weight, obesity, and unhealthy eating habits. EE could also be associated with recurrent weight gain. To date, the factors predicting success following bariatric surgery remain uncertain. ⋯ The effect of emotional eating and depression on TWL was not detected. Emotional eating and depression trigger each other in the individuals who underwent bariatric surgery. Young individuals who undergo bariatric surgery are more vulnerable to emotional eating and depression than older patients.
Hearing loss is a global health issue and its etiopathologies involve complex molecular pathways. The ubiquitin-proteasome system has been reported to be associated with cochlear development and hearing loss. The gene related to anergy in lymphocytes ( GRAIL ), as an E3 ubiquitin ligase, has not, as yet, been examined in aging-related and noise-induced hearing loss mice models. ⋯ The present data demonstrated that GRAIL deficiency protects against aging-related and noise-induced hearing loss. The mechanism involved needs to be further clarified from the potential association with synaptic modulation, inflammation, and oxidative stress.