Articles: health.
One of the major challenges that stem cell transplantation faces is a lack of donors due to a lack of knowledge and awareness of the importance of stem cell transplantation, this implies that health care providers should arm themselves with sufficient knowledge to contribute positively to raising awareness. This is an analytical cross-sectional study of 1040 medical students from 10 universities from various Sudanese states, through an online self-administered pre-tested and structured questionnaire formulated by the authors with a particular focus and/or reflection on the knowledge and attitudes of medical students. The median knowledge score among all students was 8.0 (6-9) with the majority of students confirming that stem cells are capable of dividing and can self-renew for a long period (88.6%). ⋯ Moreover, (45.9%) of students believe that health practitioners have the right to use stem cells in treatments if those treatments have been scientifically proven to be effective on animals and on human cells in the laboratory. It is important to promote educational programs that inform medical students about the full range of possibilities offered by stem cell research. Furthermore, more studies is required to determine how society and religion affect medical students' attitudes toward stem cells.
The aim was to explore the effectiveness of a tracing methodology combined with failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) for managing falls in pregnant women during the perioperative period of interventional prenatal diagnosis. Using the tracing methodology, the process was evaluated and analyzed using FMEA after reviewing data, on-site interview, case tracking and on-site inspection, and improvement measures were proposed for the existing risk factors, and the fall-related quality indicators, satisfaction with fall-related health education, and risk priority number were compared before and after implementation. Effectiveness analysis for interventional prenatal diagnosis of perioperative maternal falls risk management resulted in a significant decrease in risk priority number (P < .01), a significant increase in the rate of correct fall risk identification and assessment, correct handover rate of pregnant women at risk of falls, correct intervention rate of pregnant women at high risk of falls, and effective coverage of falls-related health education (P < .01), a significant increase in satisfaction with falls-related health education (P < .001), and the incidence of falls among pregnant women decreased from 0.12% to 0%. The use of tracking methodology combined with FMEA can reduce the risk of perioperative maternal falls in interventional prenatal diagnosis and improve the safety of maternal visits.
Elite military trainees are burdened by high numbers of musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and are a priority military population for injury prevention. This research aims to describe the MSK complaint epidemiology of trainees undertaking special forces (SF) training in the Australian Defence Force (ADF). One barrier to accurate injury surveillance in military populations is that traditional surveillance methods rely on personnel engaging with the military healthcare system to collect injury data. This approach is likely to underestimate the injury burden as it is known that many military personnel, particularly trainees, avoid reporting their injuries because of various motives. Subsequently, the insights from surveillance systems may underestimate the injury burden and limit the ability to inform prevention requirements. This research aims to actively seek MSK complaint information directly from trainees in a sensitive manner to mediate injury-reporting behaviors. ⋯ Musculoskeletal complaints are highly prevalent in ADF SF trainees. Complaints are more frequently reported in selection and qualification training courses than in physical training. These activities are priorities for focused research to understand injury circumstances in ADF elite training programs to inform injury prevention strategies. A strength of our study is the data collection methods which have provided greater MSK complaint information than past research; however, much work remains in conducting consistent and accurate surveillance. Another strength is the use of an embedded physiotherapist to overcome injury-reporting avoidance. Embedded health professionals are recommended as continued practice for ongoing surveillance and early intervention.
Use rates of cannabis, a substance associated with a host of comorbid physical and mental health concerns, continue to rise for military veterans. Despite this prevalence, descriptive patterns of use among veterans and research on treatment factors that predict cannabis outcomes are lacking. This study aimed to conduct a descriptive profile of veterans who endorse cannabis use, compare veterans endorsing cannabis use to those who do not endorse use, and investigate what factors (other substance use, psychiatric symptoms, and treatment outcomes) predicted return to cannabis use following residential treatment. ⋯ Identification of relevant risk factors and treatment processes, such as impulse control, confidence in treatment, and length of stay in treatment, provides practical recommendations for future intervention efforts. This study calls for further examination of cannabis use outcomes among veterans, particularly those participating in substance use treatment.