One of metajournal's lesser known features is:
Okay, I admit it doesn't sound very exciting – but I think this small feature will both save you time and make achieving your Continuing Professional Development requirements a little bit easier.
Many colleges and medical boards now require evidence of CPD activities, including medical journal reading and reviewing. Some require simply an estimate of the time spent, while others like ANZCA require submission of a bibliography of every article you have read!
Because metajournal keeps track of the abstracts you read, the articles you favourite and the full-text papers you retrieve, we can also provide you with a report for submitting to your CPD/CME organization.

Simply click on 'My CPD Reports' in the dropdown menu, choose which type of article-activities you want included, a date range and then whether you wish to view the report as a web page or as a PDF. Voilà!

Metajournal will even estimate how long you have spent reading papers!

And if that's still too much work, metajournal automatically emails out a quarterly PDF CPD report to all our subscribers.
Happy staying up to date!