Along with the great amount of interest recently from FANZCA anaesthetists, I have received many requests for metajournal to cover more of the pain literature.
After a little bit of work, Pain Medicine has been added as the fourth metajournal specialty, along with indexing 21 pain-related journals.

In addition to these core pain journals, important related publications such as Lancet Neurology, Neuroscience and the Journal of Neuroimaging, have also been indexed and can be independently followed.
To add Pain medicine as a specialty, simply visit your settings page and scroll to the Specialties, Journals & Topics section. Clicking the label of the specialty you already follow will then allow you to add 'Pain medicine' alongside it. (You can also add or remove Journals and Topics that you follow on your settings page too).
Adding pain medicine pushes metajournal's indexed articles count to well over 100,000 articles! Lucky you've got metajournal to help you find quality personally-relevant evidence among all that. ;-)