Article Notes
This airway study is a neat little randomised-but-not-blinded study of the effect of head rotation on the oropharyngeal leak pressure of both the i-gel and LMA Supreme 2nd generation supraglottic airways.
The researchers investigated the leak pressure (OPLP) of the i-gel and LMA Supreme in paralysed patients with the head: 1. neutral, 2. rotated 30°, and 3. rotated 60°. They found that rotation of the head through 30° and 60° progressively increased OPLP by a clinically-significantly amount (0° vs 60° 5.5 cmH2O (3.3-7.8) & 6.5 cmH2O (5.1-8.0) respectively).
Before you get too excited...
The result however may not be reliably applicable to all populations, notably the study subjects were overwhelmingly small (x̄ ~160cm & 60kg) Japanese women (71%), receiving a TIVA muscle-relaxant anaesthetic (propofol, remifentanil, rocuronium). How well this improvement-with-rotation holds up among, for example, spontaneously ventilating large Caucasian males, is unclear.
When using an i-gel or LMA Supreme 2nd generation supraglottic airway, careful head rotation to 60° may increased oropharyngeal leak pressure and so assist with ventilation troubleshooting. However head and neck rotation of anaesthetised, paralysed patients should be performed gently and cautiously – you are after all, not a chiropractor!
This interesting prospective simulation & equipment study is by way of the University of Freiburg. Schmutz et al. investigated how effective five different second generation supraglottic airway devices (SADs) performed in two common airway manikins: the TruCorp AirSim® and the crowd favourite, Laerdal's Resusci Anne® Airway Trainer™.

While ventilation was achieved in all SAD-manikin combinations, the Resusci Anne® Airway Trainer™ was associated with better and more consistent performance for SAD position, participant subjective assessment and ease of gastric tube insertion for most of the SADs. The TruCorp AirSim® did however achieve better leak pressures across most of the SADs (LMA® Supreme™, Ambu® AuraGain™, i-gel®, KOO™-SGA & LTS-D™).

But then, what are the implications for airway simulation training? The researchers correctly note that:
The most important quality of a manikin is the ability to simulate the real-world conditions and thus to give the trainee an authentic feedback.
The bottom line for SAD manikins?
While considering how manikin choice and SAD availability match with your aims for simulation training, the bigger picture is that the primary goal of any manikin-SAD coupling is real-life fidelity – and for that reason, participant subjective assessment is king. And so in this study at least, the Resusci Anne® Airway Trainer™ wins.
This reassuring study published in Nature by researchers from Wash U Med investigated persisting COVID immunity following the Pfizer mRNA vaccination (BNT162b2). Turner et al. looked at the presence of not only circulating antibody-secreting B cells, but also germinal centre B cells found in the axillary lymph nodes of 14 study volunteers.
While the persistence of mRNA-vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2 has already been demonstrated to last at least 6 months, and likely 12 months, we just do not yet have the data to know if or when vaccine boosters will be required beyond that.
Turner's study is particularly exciting because they found spike-protein binding B cells in the germinal centre of draining lymph nodes in all 14 post-immunisation participants for the full 15 weeks of the study. The germinal centre response was so vigorous and persistent that the researchers believe this could represent COVID-protection lasting for years.
"Ellebedy said the immune response observed in his team’s study appears so robust and persistent that he thinks that it could last for years. The researcher based his assessment on the fact that germinal centre reactions that persist for several months or longer usually indicate an extremely vigorous immune response that culminates in the production of large numbers of long-lasting immune cells, called memory B cells. Some memory B cells can survive for years or even decades..." – Dr Francis Collins, NIH Directors Blog
This study builds on the same team's earlier work (Turner 2021 May) looking at bone marrow plasma cells in those who have recovered from mild COVID infection, also showing a long-lived immune response.
COVID persistent immunity takeaway:
Although COVID-19 and developed vaccines have been circulating for only 12-18 months, these immune-response studies give some hope that the miracle of mRNA vaccines may not only be in their efficacy, but also in the longevity of protection.