Article Notes
Why is this interesting?
Digital radiology systems (PACS) allow point-of-care enhancement and adjustment of x-ray images. 'Inverted grayscale' viewing has been advocated as a way to improve the ability to detect small pneumothoraces on posterior-anterior chest x-rays (CXR).
This case-control cross-over study challenges this practice.
What did they do?
The researchers used CXRs of 106 adult patients with a known spontaneous pneumothorax and 162 matched-controls without pneumothorax, but who had presented with pneumothorax-consistent symptoms.
Using a senior radiologist as the gold standard diagnostician, two groups of five emergency physicians were then allocated to identify the presence of a pneumothorax in all 268 CXRs – one group using inverted grayscale and the other the conventional digital view.
To ensure the groups were comparable, the researchers also had each review a random selection of both inverted and conventional images, and compared how the group diagnostic sensitivities correlated.
Surprisingly, the sensitivity of pneumothorax detection was higher for conventional imaging than when using inverted grayscale (91.7% vs 84.5%). Specificity was comparable.
Be smart…
Although the researchers showed the inferiority of isolated inverted-grayscale imaging compared to conventional, it is a technique almost always used alongside first viewing a CXR with conventional contrast. Thus even if inferior, it is unlikely to undermine the diagnostic sensitivity of standard CXR reporting.
Figure 2 from the study shows overall recovery and for each domain between neostigmine (N) and sugammadex (S) at each time point (15 min, 40 min and Post-Op Day 1).
A significant difference was observed in physiological recovery at 15 min after surgery, but not for overall recovery or any other domain.