Article Notes
Although this Cochrane review supports the belief that epidural and paravertebral blocks may reduce persistent-surgical pain after thoracotomy or breast cancer surgery respectively, the authors highlight the low total number of subjects (only 339 patients) in the five trials analysed. This is enough evidence to consider the PSP-benefits of regional anesthesia, but far from enough to be conclusive or change practice.
To explore the future contradiction of highly-cited research Ioannidis investigated just under 50 of the most significant and highly regarded medical research findings from 1990 to 2003. Of 45 that concluded their interventions were effective, 34 had had their hypothesis retested. Of these 34, over 40% (14) were subsequently shown to be incorrect or exaggerated. Forty percent of some of the most highly regarded, practice-changing medical evidence from the 20th century subsequently disproven!
Ioannidis demonstrated that 80% of non-randomized studies were wrong, and among randomized controlled studies 25% were incorrect. Even large, multicenter, randomized clinical trials were predictably wrong in 10% of studies.