Article Notes
The flaw with many closed loop TIVA-BIS studies, such as this one, is that they unquestionably assume reliability of BIS and are not powered for important morbidity or mortality outcomes.
This study while professing to show 'superiority' of a closed-loop system, really just shows that when given a monitor target the algorithm can more accurately and rapidly adjust the TIVA to maintain this. This may well be a good outcome, but does not necessarily equate to 'good' or safe anesthesia.
It's important to note that BIS has been validated essentially as an awareness alarm, not (yet) as a guide to appropriate depth of anesthesia.
A enjoyable trip down memory lane with Prof. Kester Brown. A brief description of the history of barbiturates and their structure activity relationships, culminating in the seven decade dominance of thiopentone.
The second half of this paper briefly describes the drugs that have challenged thiopentone, those you will likely have used (propofol, etomidate) and those most likely not (propanidid, althesin, gamma-hydroxybutyrate).
An quick and enjoyable read. Click through for the full-text.