In the eighties and nineties, eighteen papers were published concerning the influence of general or regional anaesthesia on mental function of elderly patients. In both groups mental changes can be found in the immediate post-operative period, but not on the long term. Analysis of these studies shows a relation between postoperative mental changes and, for example, high doses of drugs, a low preoperative level of mental performance or other factors, associated with personality and environment of the patient.
Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr. 1993 Oct 1;24(5):193-9.
AbstractIn the eighties and nineties, eighteen papers were published concerning the influence of general or regional anaesthesia on mental function of elderly patients. In both groups mental changes can be found in the immediate post-operative period, but not on the long term. Analysis of these studies shows a relation between postoperative mental changes and, for example, high doses of drugs, a low preoperative level of mental performance or other factors, associated with personality and environment of the patient.