African health sciences
African health sciences · Mar 2024
The Frequencies distribution of CYP3A5 rs776746 and ABCB1 rs1045642 polymorphisms in the west Algerian population and relationships with pharmacogenetics.
Pharmacogenetic markers, such as the ATP Binding Cassette (ABCB1) and cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A5 enzymes, play a crucial role in personalized medicine by influencing drug efficacy and toxicity based on individuals' or populations' genetic variations.This study aims to investigate the genetic polymorphisms of CYP3A5 (rs776746) and ABCB1 (rs1045642) in the West Algerian population and compare the genotypes and allelic distributions with those of various ethnic groups. ⋯ The difference in the allelic and genotypic distribution of these polymorphisms emphasize the need for dose adjustments in drugs metabolized by CYP3A5 and transported by ABCB1 to optimize treatments outcomes.
African health sciences · Mar 2024
Case ReportsA case report: recurrent anemia related to long term acyclovir use in a pregnant HIV infected Ugandan.
This case report describes a pregnant patient with recent diagnosis of Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV) infection initiated on Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) in the second trimester, as well as high dose acyclovir high for large infected genital warts. She had no other HIV related opportunistic infections, and no prior anti tuberculosis treatment or preventive medication. ⋯ On stopping acyclovir, the anemia subsided, a few weeks later she had a normal delivery, followed by surgical removal of the warts. At a follow-up 8 months later, she was well, with a healthy baby, and reported no other episodes of blood transfusion.
African health sciences · Mar 2024
Use of mobile hospitals to improve access to health services and promote primary health care: lessons from Zambia (2011-2018).
Mobile hospitals play a critical role in serving difficult to access populations. In 2011, they were introduced by the Zambian government to improve access to health care. However, little is known about and/or documented about their use in Zambia, and other similar settings where people rely on them to access critical health care, or have to travel long distances to the nearest health centre. ⋯ The research not only highlights conditions that must be considered for the effective implementation of mobile hospitals, but also the need for engagement of various key stakeholders during agenda setting in order to build trust and buy in, which contribute to smoother implementation.
African health sciences · Mar 2024
Deodorant use and related adverse effects: A cross-sectional survey among Palestinian students.
Deodorants are widely used to mask unpleasant body odors. They are reported to cause some adverse effects depending on the form and ingredients. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of deodorant use and related adverse effects among Palestinian students. ⋯ Deodorants were widely used by Palestinian students with reported adverse effects, but these side effects rarely prompted the participants to seek medical advice.
African health sciences · Mar 2024
Haematological parameter among drug resistant tuberculosis patients in Ibadan.
Haematological abnormalities are common among tuberculosis patients but there is dearth of information on their value as prognostic markers in Multidrug resistant tuberculosis patients. This study examined the association between complete blood count variables and drug resistant tuberculosis. ⋯ In the meantime, healthcare providers should be aware of these potential differences and use them to inform their diagnosis and treatment of patients with tuberculosis.