African health sciences
African health sciences · Jun 2022
Meta AnalysisAssociation between hair dye use and cancer in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies.
The use of hair dye for cosmetic purposes appears to be increasing worldwide. As 50-80% of women use hair dye throughout their lifetimes, the possible association between hair dye use and cancer is a public health concern. ⋯ The present study suggests that, although the use of hair dye may increase the risk of cancer among users, a more detailed evaluation is required to assess the type of hair dye use in terms of guidelines and metrics.
African health sciences · Jun 2022
Barriers to uptake of cervical cancer screening among women in Nigeria: a systematic review.
Cervical cancer is the second most frequent cancer and cause of cancer-related deaths among women in Nigeria. The Visual inspection with acetic acid and cryotherapy "see and treat" screening approach is a feasible and effective method that can be implemented in low resource settings like Nigeria; however, screening utilization is still low. ⋯ Lack of adequate information about cervical cancer is a significant hindrance to screening; this factor is strongly associated with the numerous misconceptions and negative perceptions. The study highlights the need for further assessment of the sociodemographic determinants of cervical cancer screening uptake in Nigeria. Preventive strategies should be targeted at improving the dissemination of valid information, reducing the knowledge gap among women, and addressing the financial and health service factors.
African health sciences · Jun 2022
The effects of Juglone-Selenium combination on invasion and metastasis in pancreatic cancer cell lines.
Pancreatic cancer does not show any symptoms in the early period and metastatic process is already passed when the diagnosis is done. Therefore, in the battle with pancreatic cancer, novel treatment strategies, particularly antiinvasive and antimetastatic strategies, are needed. The cytotoxic and anticancer effects of juglone and sodium selenite (NaSe) have been showed in various cancer cells. ⋯ The juglone-NaSe has the potential to be a promising agent especially to inhibit invasion and metastasis in pancreatic cancer treatment. However, more in depth studies are needed to more clearly demonstrate the effects of juglone-selenium.
African health sciences · Jun 2022
Outcome and prognostic markers of cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients admitted to a hepatology ICU in a tertiary care university hospital.
Patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis are not given priority for ICU admission in the settings of limited place availability. Recently, advances in medical care led to improvement in their survival. Our aim is to study the outcome of patients admitted to our hepatology ICU. ⋯ The mortality of cirrhotic patients admitted to ICU is not higher than non-cirrhotic patients. SOFA score is a good prognostic indicator in patients with cirrhosis.
African health sciences · Jun 2022
Hearing loss among inmates of a juvenile correctional facility in Nigeria.
Good hearing is essential to learning and rehabilitation of adolescent and young adults in juvenile correctional facilities. Hearing screening programme is not commonly in place for this incarcerated group. ⋯ Hearing loss is prevalent among inmates of juvenile correctional facility. Rehabilitation programme should be balanced with detail attention to health needs of inmates; including pre-admission and periodic hearing screening.