Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH
J. Thromb. Haemost. · Jun 2017
Meta AnalysisAnticoagulation in patients with isolated distal deep vein thrombosis: a meta-analysis.
Essentials The optimal management of isolated distal deep vein thrombosis (IDDVT) is undefined. This meta-analysis aimed to assess the clinical benefit of anticoagulation for IDDVT. Anticoagulation reduced the rate of pulmonary embolism without increasing major bleeding risk. Recurrent thromboembolism was less common with more than 6 weeks vs. 6 weeks of anticoagulation.
J. Thromb. Haemost. · Jun 2017
Multicenter Study Observational StudyLong-term risk of venous thromboembolism recurrence after isolated superficial vein thrombosis.
Essentials Long-term risk of recurrence of isolated superficial vein thrombosis (SVT) is under-studied. We analyzed data from a cohort of first SVT and proximal deep vein thrombosis (DVT) without cancer. The risk of recurrence as DVT or pulmonary embolism is twice lower in SVT patients. ⋯ Saphenian junction involvement by iSVT was not associated with a higher risk of recurrence (5.2% per PY versus 5.4% per PY), but was associated with recurrence exclusively as deep-VTE events. Conclusion In patients with a first iSVT without cancer, after stopping anticoagulants, the incidence of deep-VTE recurrence is half that of DVT patients, but the overall risk of recurrence is similar. Ssaphenian junction involvement seems to influence the risk of deep-VTE recurrence, whereas varicose vein status has no impact or a low impact on VTE recurrence.
J. Thromb. Haemost. · Jun 2017
LetterAthletes and blood clots: individualized, intermittent anticoagulation management.
Essentials Athletes on anticoagulants are typically prohibited from participation in contact sports. Short-acting anticoagulants allow for reconsideration of this precedent. An individualized pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics study can aid patient-specific management. Many challenges and unresolved issues exist regarding such tailored intermittent dosing.