Chinese medical journal
Chinese medical journal · Jan 2014
ReviewProgress in various crosslinking modification for acellular matrix.
To review the current crosslinking strategies for acelluar matrix scaffold, laying the foundation for subsequent experiment. ⋯ Kinds of crosslinking methods with its potential advantages have been developed to modify raw acelluar matrix, of which the performance are promising after being crosslinked by several crosslinking treatments. Further preclinical and clinical evaluations should be taken to vertify their safety and efficacy for the tissues and organs substitutes in tissue and regenerative medicine.
Chinese medical journal · Jan 2014
Review Meta AnalysisTumor necrosis factor gene polymorphisms and endometriosis in Asians: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Numerous studies have described the association between polymorphisms in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) gene and risk of endometriosis. However, the results remain controversial. Here we reviewed studies reporting the association between TNF gene polymorphisms and endometriosis risk in Asians. ⋯ TNF-α -1031T>C and TNF-β +252A>G were significantly associated with the risk of endometriosis in Asian and Chinese populations, respectively. To further evaluate these associations, more large-scale, rigorously designed studies are needed.
Chinese medical journal · Jan 2014
BRCA2 promoter polymorphism is associated with breast cancer prognosis in Chinese women.
Breast cancer 2 (BRCA2) is an important breast cancer-susceptibility gene. Promoter polymorphisms in BRCA2 may affect its transcription and be associated with cancer prognosis. ⋯ The results of this study suggest that homozygosity for the BRCA2 T(-1144) allele is associated with a longer DFI in Chinese women with breast cancer. Further functional studies are warranted to clarify this relationship.
Chinese medical journal · Jan 2014
Association between maternal psychological status and fetal hemodynamic circulation in late pregnancy.
The prevalence reported of maternal depression from the first to the third trimester was 7.4%, 12.8%, 12.0% respectively, which implies that around one-tenth of pregnant women suffer from psychological disorder during the whole pregnancy. It is assumed that during pregnancy the maternal-fetal circulation unit is also affected by maternal psychological status. The aim of this study is to explore the association between maternal psychological status and fetal dynamic blood flow circulation during pregnancy. ⋯ Poor mental health during pregnancy is found to have an adverse effect on maternal-fetal circulation. Umbilical artery and fetal cerebral circulation are more sensitive and affected by maternal psychological disorder.