Chinese medical journal
Chinese medical journal · Jun 2024
ReviewRole of maternal-fetal immune tolerance in the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy.
Normal pregnancy is a contradictory and complicated physiological process. Although the fetus carries the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) inherited from the paternal line, it does not cause maternal immune rejection. ⋯ This study reviews previous research results and focuses on the establishment and maintenance mechanism of maternal-fetal tolerance based on maternal-fetal crosstalk. Insights into maternal-fetal tolerance will not only improve understanding of normal pregnancy but will also contribute to novel therapeutic strategies for recurrent spontaneous abortion, pre-eclampsia, and premature birth.
Cancer is a major global health issue. Effective therapeutic strategies can prolong patients' survival and reduce the costs of treatment. Drug repurposing, which identifies new therapeutic uses for approved drugs, is a promising approach with the advantages of reducing research costs, shortening development time, and increasing efficiency and safety. ⋯ Furthermore, we highlight the ability of DSF/Cu to target cancer stem cells (CSCs), which provides a new approach to prevent tumor recurrence and metastasis. Strikingly, DSF/Cu inhibits several molecular targets associated with drug resistance, and therefore it is becoming a novel option to increase the sensitivity of chemo-resistant and radio-resistant patients. Studies of DSF/Cu may shed light on its improved application to clinical tumor treatment.