The South African journal of communication disorders = Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir Kommunikasieafwykings
S Afr J Commun Disord · Jan 1991
Attitudes of a group of South African speech and hearing therapists towards patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
The present study investigated the attitudes, knowledge and fears of a group of 31 speech-language pathologists and audiologists working in 13 hospital settings, concerning patients with AIDS/HIV. Individuals completed an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire assessing self-perceived level of knowledge, actual knowledge of modes of transmission of the AIDS virus and protection procedures, and attitudes and fears associated with treatment of AIDS/HIV patients. Qualitative data concerning responses to this epidemic were also obtained and statistical analyses were completed to determine the relationship between the above mentioned variables. ⋯ No correlation was found between respondents' level of actual knowledge and their attitudes. Information needs were identified which have important implications for future education. In addition, proposed policy guidelines for speech-language pathologists and audiologists in contact with AIDS/HIV patients, based on the above results of the study are provided.