Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol · Oct 2016
ReviewSupportive Care: Economic Considerations in Advanced Kidney Disease.
Kidney supportive care describes multiple interventions for patients with advanced CKD that focus on improving the quality of life and addressing what matters most to patients. This includes shared decision making and aligning treatment plans with patient goals through advance care planning and providing relief from pain and other distressing symptoms. Kidney supportive care is an essential component of quality care throughout the illness trajectory. ⋯ Linkage to administrative datasets, such as Medicare, Hospital Episode Statistics, and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme for prescribed medicines, can provide a detailed estimate of publicly funded resource use and reduce the burden of data collection for patients and families. Longitudinal collection of quality of life and functional status should be added to existing cohort or kidney registry studies. Interventions that improve health outcomes for people with advanced CKD, such as kidney supportive care, not only have the potential to improve quality of life, but also may reduce the high costs associated with unwanted hospitalization and intensive medical treatments.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol · Oct 2016
Randomized Controlled TrialEffect of Patiromer on Urinary Ion Excretion in Healthy Adults.
Patiromer is a nonabsorbed potassium-binding polymer that uses calcium as the counterexchange ion. The calcium released with potassium binding has the potential to be absorbed or bind phosphate. Because binding is not specific for potassium, patiromer can bind other cations. Here, we evaluate the effect of patiromer on urine ion excretion in healthy adults, which reflects gastrointestinal ion absorption. ⋯ In healthy adults, patiromer reduces urine potassium, urine sodium, urine magnesium, and urine phosphate, while modestly increasing urine calcium. Compared with divided dosing, administration of patiromer once daily provides equivalent reductions in urine potassium, urine sodium, and urine magnesium, with less effect on urine calcium and urine phosphate.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol · Oct 2016
Comparative StudyRenal Survival in Patients with Collapsing Compared with Not Otherwise Specified FSGS.
Idiopathic collapsing FSGS has historically been associated with poor renal outcomes. Minimal clinical data exist on the efficacy of immunosuppressive therapy. Our study sought to provide a comprehensive description of renal survival in patients with collapsing and not otherwise specified FSGS after controlling for factors affecting renal prognosis. ⋯ Compared with not otherwise specified FSGS, idiopathic collapsing FSGS presented with more severe nephrotic syndrome and lower eGFR but had a similar renal survival after controlling for exposure to immunosuppressive treatment. These results highlight the importance of early diagnosis and institution of immunosuppressive therapy in patients with collapsing FSGS.