Postgraduate medical journal
There is growing evidence regarding the importance of inflammation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and its ultimate progression to the clinical syndromes. Recently there has been an increasing interest in the role of helper T (Th) cells in atherosclerosis. ⋯ Atherosclerotic lesions have been seen to have increased expression of type 1 helper T (TH1) cells together with increased levels of the Th1 related cytokines. It is mainly the cytokines involved with Th1 functioning that seem to show a prominent effect, with the whole process centred around interferon gamma, making it seem like every pathway and the cytokines involved lead to a final common pathway of interferon gamma secretion; the increase or decrease of which dictates the progression of atherosclerosis and its final manifestation as the clinical syndromes.
Comparative Study
Predictors of mortality in mechanically ventilated patients.
There are scarce data from India validating scoring systems used to predict outcome in patients requiring mechanical ventilation. This study prospectively compared the organ system failure (OSF), the acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II, and the APACHE III, scores on patients requiring mechanical ventilation in the medical intensive care unit, to predict outcome. ⋯ Type 1 respiratory failure, the use of inotropes, and the APACHE II score measured at admission are significant independent predictors of mortality in the patients on mechanical ventilation.