Postgraduate medical journal
Chest pain is a common presenting symptom; however, the majority of emergency chest pain admissions are not due to acute myocardial infarction (AMI). AMI can be life threatening and early diagnosis or rule out of AMI might potentially improve morbidity and mortality, as well as reduce time to decision and therefore overall treatment costs. High-sensitivity troponin (hs-troponin) assays have been developed that enable precise quantification of extremely low troponin concentrations. ⋯ However, troponin is less than ideally suited for early diagnosis of acute myocardial injury because of its slow rise, late peak and low specificity for coronary plaque rupture. A new biomarker with a more rapid elevation to peak concentration than hs-troponin and lower background levels in patients with chronic cardiovascular conditions would be a preferred diagnostic test. This review discusses the development of hs-troponin assays and other biomarkers, evaluates their place in the early diagnosis of AMI, discusses troponin elevation without AMI and discusses current guideline recommendations.
Multicenter Study
Improving medical students' written communication skills: design and evaluation of an educational curriculum.
Written and verbal communication skills are important skills for all physicians. While verbal skills are taught and assessed in medical school, medical students report limited instruction in written communication skills. This study examined the impact of a curriculum delivered during a 6-week clinical rotation in Internal Medicine on the objective assessment of medical students' written communication skills. ⋯ The combination of a resident feedback workshop with medical student written communication tutorial improves objective evaluations of consultation note scores over student tutorial alone.