The Annals of thoracic surgery
Important Non-Technical Skills in Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery Lobectomy: Team Perspectives.
Safety in the operating room is dependent on the team's non-technical skills. The importance of non-technical skills appears to be different for minimally invasive surgery as compared with open surgery. The aim of this study was to identify which non-technical skills are perceived by team members to be most important for patient safety, in the setting of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) lobectomy. ⋯ This study identified six non-technical skills that serve as the foundation for shared mental models of the patient, the current situation, and team resources. These findings contribute three important additions to the shared mental model construct: planning and preparation, risk assessment, and leadership. Shared mental models are crucial for patient safety because they enable VATS teams to anticipate problems through adaptive patterns of both implicit and explicit coordination.
Containing more than 6 million cumulative operative records and accounting for 90% to 95% of adult cardiac surgery performed in the United States, The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgery Database is an invaluable resource for performance assessment, quality improvement, and clinical research. This article reviews the seven major research efforts published in 2016 that utilized the Adult Cardiac Surgery Database. Two studies evaluated national trends in clinical practice, three assessed the effect of several risk factors on postoperative morbidity and mortality, and two developed new models to evaluate quality of care. The findings of these studies have enhanced clinical practice and delineated areas for future quality improvement research.
Vasoplegic syndrome, defined by hypotension despite normal or increased cardiac output, is associated with high mortality rate after cardiopulmonary bypass. Methylene blue (MB) is reported to ameliorate vasoplegic syndrome through the nitric oxide pathway. We hypothesized that early administration of MB would improve outcomes in patients with vasoplegic syndrome after cardiopulmonary bypass. ⋯ Operative mortality rate is high in patients receiving MB for the treatment of vasoplegia after cardiopulmonary bypass. Early administration of MB improves survival and reduces the risk-adjusted rate of major adverse events in these patients.
Understanding Children's Heart Surgery Data: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Codevelop a Website.
Risk-adjusted survival statistics after children's heart surgery are published annually in the United Kingdom. Interpreting these statistics is difficult, and better resources about how to interpret survival data are needed. ⋯ Early and ongoing involvement of users was crucial and considerably changed the content, scope, and look of the website, and the formal psychology experiments provided deeper insight. The website was launched in June 2016 to very positive reviews.