Transplantation proceedings
Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is currently considered to be the ultimate form of therapy for most patients with end-stage liver diseases. The identification of recipient and various perioperative factors that may affect the graft outcomes is critical. This study sought to analyze the preoperative and perioperative factors associated with graft outcomes in our institute. ⋯ Prolonged WIT (>45 minutes) was the only significant risk factor among other established parameters for graft function. Nevertheless, reduced operative times and blood loss may improve the outcomes of OLT.
The upgraded third-generation software (version 3.02) for the FloTrac/Vigileo system has been developed to particularly improve the accuracy of cardiac output (CO) measurements in hyperdynamic conditions. The aim of our study was to compare the CO values obtained using the FloTrac/Vigileo system during orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) with those obtained in the same circumstances using a Swan-Ganz catheter (bolus thermodilution method). ⋯ CO measurements obtained using the less invasive arterial waveform FloTrac/Vigileo system upgraded with the third-generation software had poor intraoperative agreement with pulmonary artery thermodilution CO measurements in patients undergoing OLT.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Propofol attenuates ischemic reperfusion-induced formation of lipid peroxides in liver transplant recipients.
Ischemic reperfusion (IR) injury is known to have an important influence on the success of transplant surgery and the occurrence of complications. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is an intermediate metabolite of lipid peroxidation resulting from IR-induced reactive oxygen species. This study was designed to investigate the protective effects of propofol on IR injury in liver transplant recipients. ⋯ There were significantly higher MDA levels among the control versus the propofol group at 3, 5, 30, and 60 minutes after reperfusion in liver transplant recipients.
Comparative Study
Cardiac output derived from arterial pressure waveform analysis in patients undergoing liver transplantation: validity of a third-generation device.
Hemodynamic monitoring is essential to a successful liver transplantation procedure. FloTrac, a hemodynamic monitor that uses arterial-waveform-based pulse contour analysis for cardiac output (CO) measurement, has proven useful in many clinical settings. One of the primary foci of FloTrac's recent third-generation software upgrade was improving its accuracy in low systemic vascular resistance status. We evaluated the accuracy of the upgraded FloTrac monitor during liver transplantation. ⋯ Despite a software upgrade, the effectiveness of the FloTrac artery-derived cardiac output monitor for CO measurement during liver transplantation remains limited.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Tying a slipknot to an intubation stylet for facilitating insertion of a nasogastric tube in liver transplant recipients: a prospective, randomized study.
It is sometimes difficult and harmful to insert a nasogastric tube (NGT) into a patient with a tendency to bleed and anesthetized recipient of liver transplantation. As a "Rusch" intubation stylet tied by a slipknot, Highwayman's hitch, to the NGT, it is easy to introduce the NGT through nasal cavity and oropharyngeal space. We designed this study to evaluate the usage of this novel method in the guidance of NGT insertion in liver transplant recipients. ⋯ The intubation stylet-guided method is reliable, with high success rate of NGT insertion in patients with a tendency to bleed anesthetized recipients of liver transplantation.