Military medicine
Lack of obstetric and gynecologic (OBGYN) procedure exposure during general surgery residency was recognized as a training gap for military general surgery residents by U.S. Navy trauma and general surgeons serving as simulation leads for the Naval Medical Center Portsmouth general surgery resident program. Program faculty requested the authors develop and implement a recurring simulation curriculum to address this training gap. The primary goal of the simulation curriculum was to increase exposure to and confidence in performing four commonly encountered OBGYN procedures in a deployed setting: spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD), Bartholin's cyst incision and drainage with Word catheter placement, cesarean delivery, and total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH). We hypothesized that trainees exposed to the new simulation curriculum would demonstrate an increase in knowledge and confidence in these four commonly encountered OBGYN procedures. ⋯ The implemented curriculum increased general surgery trainees' knowledge and confidence in four commonly encountered OBGYN procedures and demonstrated a high level of learner satisfaction and sustainability. The curriculum exhibits high educational impact and could be a valuable adjunctive training for other non-OBGYN physicians who may need to provide OBGYN care in military environments.
Within the Military Health System, the process of transporting patients from an initial point of injury and throughout the entire continuum of care is called "en route care." A Committee on En Route Combat Casualty Care was established in 2016 as part of the DoD Joint Trauma System to create practice guidelines, recommend training standards, and identify research priorities within the military en route care system. ⋯ To ensure an evidence-based approach to future military conflicts and other medical challenges, focused research and technological development to address these 10 en route care research gaps are urgently needed.
Telehealth is an increasingly common approach to improve healthcare delivery, especially within the Veterans Health Administration and Department of Defense (DoD). Telehealth has diminished many challenges to direct access for clinical follow-up; however, the use of mobile telehealth for specialty rehabilitative care is emerging and is referred to as telerehabilitation. As early adopters of telehealth, the Veterans Affairs and DoD have supported collaborated efforts for programs designed to increase the access and quality of rehabilitative care while improving the functional ability of our service members (SMs) and veterans with lower limb amputation (LLA). The DoD and Veterans Health Administration collaborated on a Mobile Device Outcomes-based Rehabilitation Program (MDORP) to help injured SMs and veterans with LLA. The MDORP project utilized a mobile health system called the Rehabilitative Lower Limb Orthopedic Accommodating Device (ReLOAD) to assess walking quality. The ReLOAD system includes real-time auditory biofeedback to notify the user of their most prominent gait deviation and then recommends exercises that address specific balance and strength impairments. The purpose of this study was to describe the responses to a postintervention survey evaluating the feasibility and usability of ReLOAD completed by SMs and veterans with LLA who used the system for 5 months. ⋯ The participants provided positive and constructive feedback that will enhance the value and usability of telerehabilitation interventions like the ReLOAD system for future users.
Case Reports
Migration of Broken Dental Needle Through the Internal Jugular Vein in the Parapharyngeal Space.
Accidental broken dental needles during dental blocks have become a rare occurrence but still occur. Although the treatment for such occurrence is controversial, an increasing body of literature demonstrates that migration of such needles is possible. ⋯ This case is unique given the location of migration to the skull base as well as radiologically documented time course. Furthermore, it highlights the need for prompt retrieval of broken dental needles given the high potential of migration and injury to neurovascular structures.