Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Infectious disease has only recently been recognized as a major threat to the survival of Endangered chimpanzees and Critically Endangered gorillas in the wild. One potentially powerful tool, vaccination, has not been deployed in fighting this disease threat, in good part because of fears about vaccine safety. ⋯ The vaccine was safe and immunogenic. Captive trials of other vaccines and of methods for vaccine delivery hold great potential as weapons in the fight against wild ape extinction.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. · Jun 2014
Functional exofacially tagged N-type calcium channels elucidate the interaction with auxiliary α2δ-1 subunits.
CaV1 and CaV2 voltage-gated calcium channels are associated with β and α2δ accessory subunits. However, examination of cell surface-associated CaV2 channels has been hampered by the lack of antibodies to cell surface-accessible epitopes and of functional exofacially tagged CaV2 channels. Here we report the development of fully functional CaV2.2 constructs containing inserted surface-accessible exofacial tags, which allow visualization of only those channels at the plasma membrane, in both a neuronal cell line and neurons. ⋯ However, this was due to occlusion of the antigenic epitope by association with CaV2.2, as revealed by antigen retrieval; thus, our data provide evidence for a tight interaction between α2δ-1 and the α1 subunit at the plasma membrane. We further show that, although CaV2.2 cell-surface expression is reduced by gabapentin in the presence of wild-type α2δ-1 (but not a gabapentin-insensitive α2δ-1 mutant), the interaction between CaV2.2 and α2δ-1 is not disrupted by gabapentin. Altogether, these results demonstrate that CaV2.2 and α2δ-1 are intimately associated at the plasma membrane and allow us to infer a region of interaction.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. · Jun 2014
Mechanisms underlying differential effectiveness of memantine and ketamine in rapid antidepressant responses.
Ketamine is an NMDA receptor (NMDAR) antagonist that elicits rapid antidepressant responses in patients with treatment-resistant depression. However, ketamine can also produce psychotomimetic effects that limit its utility as an antidepressant, raising the question of whether the clinically tolerated NMDAR antagonist memantine possesses antidepressant properties. Despite its similar potency to ketamine as an NMDAR antagonist, clinical data suggest that memantine does not exert rapid antidepressant actions for reasons that are poorly understood. ⋯ This differential effect of ketamine and memantine extends to intracellular signaling coupled to NMDAR at rest, in that memantine does not inhibit the phosphorylation of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 or augment subsequent expression of BDNF, which are critical determinants of ketamine-mediated antidepressant efficacy. These results demonstrate significant differences between the efficacies of ketamine and memantine on NMDAR-mediated neurotransmission that have impacts on downstream intracellular signaling, which we hypothesize is the trigger for rapid antidepressant responses. These data provide a novel framework on the necessary functional requirements of NMDAR-mediated neurotransmission as a critical determinant necessary to elicit rapid antidepressant responses.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. · Jun 2014
Size-based molecular diagnostics using plasma DNA for noninvasive prenatal testing.
Noninvasive prenatal testing using fetal DNA in maternal plasma is an actively researched area. The current generation of tests using massively parallel sequencing is based on counting plasma DNA sequences originating from different genomic regions. In this study, we explored a different approach that is based on the use of DNA fragment size as a diagnostic parameter. ⋯ For monosomy X, the sensitivity and specificity were both 100% (10/10 and 8/8). Thus, this study establishes the principle of size-based molecular diagnostics using plasma DNA. This approach has potential applications beyond noninvasive prenatal testing to areas such as oncology and transplantation monitoring.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. · Jun 2014
Exploring the collaboration between antibiotics and the immune response in the treatment of acute, self-limiting infections.
The successful treatment of bacterial infections is the product of a collaboration between antibiotics and the host's immune defenses. Nevertheless, in the design of antibiotic treatment regimens, few studies have explored the combined action of antibiotics and the immune response to clearing infections. Here, we use mathematical models to examine the collective contribution of antibiotics and the immune response to the treatment of acute, self-limiting bacterial infections. ⋯ Our results suggest that, under most conditions, high dose, full-term therapy is more effective than more moderate dosing in promoting the clearance of the infection and decreasing the likelihood of emergence of antibiotic resistance. Our results also indicate that the clinical and evolutionary benefits of increasing antibiotic dose are not indefinite. We discuss the current status of data in support of and in opposition to the predictions of this study, consider those elements that require additional testing, and suggest how they can be tested.