Journal of neurosurgery
Journal of neurosurgery · Aug 2015
Improved versus worsened endocrine function after transsphenoidal surgery for nonfunctional pituitary adenomas: rate, time course, and radiological analysis.
OBJECT The impact of transsphenoidal surgery for nonfunctional pituitary adenomas (NFAs) on preoperative hypopituitarism relative to the incidence of new postoperative endocrine deficits remains unclear. The authors investigated rates of hypopituitarism resolution and development after transsphenoidal surgery. METHODS Over a 5-year period, 305 transsphenoidal surgeries for NFAs performed at The California Center for Pituitary Disorders were retrospectively reviewed. ⋯ Low preoperative gland volume precluded recovery. Patient age and the severity of the deficiency influenced the recovery of the thyroid and male reproductive axes, the most commonly impaired axes and most likely to normalize postoperatively. This information can be of use in counseling patients with hypopituitarism who undergo NFA surgery.
Journal of neurosurgery · Aug 2015
Endoscopic endonasal translacerum approach to the inferior petrous apex.
OBJECT The surgical approach to lesions involving the inferior petrous apex (IPA) is still challenging. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the anatomical features of the IPA and to assess the applicability of an endoscopic endonasal approach through the foramen lacerum (translacerum approach) to the IPA. METHODS The surgical simulation of the endoscopic endonasal translacerum approach was conducted in 3 cadaver heads. ⋯ Gross-total and partial removal was achieved in 3 and 1 cases, respectively, without permanent surgery-related morbidity and mortality. CONCLUSIONS The endoscopic endonasal translacerum approach provides reliable access to the IPA. It is indicated alone for lesions confined to the IPA and in combination with other approaches for more extensive lesions.
Journal of neurosurgery · Aug 2015
Pineal cyst resection in the absence of ventriculomegaly or Parinaud's syndrome: clinical outcomes and implications for patient selection.
Surgical indications for patients with pineal cysts are controversial. While the majority of patients harboring a pineal cyst require no treatment, surgery is a well-accepted option for a subset of those patients with secondary hydrocephalus or Parinaud's syndrome. The majority of pineal cysts are identified incidentally during workup for other potential conditions, which may or may not be related to the presence of the cyst. In the absence of clear obstruction of CSF pathways, the treatment of presumed symptomatic pineal cysts is debatable. To clarify the role of surgery in these borderline cases, the authors reviewed their experience with resection of pineal cysts in the absence of ventriculomegaly or Parinaud's syndrome. ⋯ The authors' results suggest that ventriculomegaly and Parinaud's syndrome are not absolute requisites for a pineal cyst to be symptomatic. Analogous to colloid cysts of the third ventricle, intermittent occlusion of cerebrospinal fluid pathways may cause small pineal cysts to become intermittently symptomatic. A select cohort of patients with pineal cysts may benefit from surgery despite a lack of hydrocephalus or other obvious compressive pathology.
Journal of neurosurgery · Aug 2015
Continuous subcortical motor evoked potential stimulation using the tip of an ultrasonic aspirator for the resection of motor eloquent lesions.
Resection of a motor eloquent lesion has become safer because of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IOM). Stimulation of subcortical motor evoked potentials (scMEPs) is increasingly used to optimize patient safety. So far, scMEP stimulation has been performed intermittently during resection of eloquently located lesions. Authors of the present study assessed the possibility of using a resection instrument for continuous stimulation of scMEPs. ⋯ Continuous motor mapping using subcortical stimulation via a surgical aspirator, in comparison with the sequential use of a standard monopolar stimulation probe, is a feasible and safe method without any disadvantages. Compared with the standard probe, the aspirator offers continuous information on the distance to the corticospinal tract.
Journal of neurosurgery · Aug 2015
Complication analysis in nitinol stent-assisted embolization of 486 intracranial aneurysms.
Stent-assisted embolization (SAE) has broadened the scope of endovascular cerebral aneurysm treatment. The risks associated with stent selection and configuration are poorly defined. In this study, the authors aimed to characterize the risk factors that contribute to complications in SAE of intracranial aneurysms. ⋯ In this series, SAE for cerebral aneurysm treatment carried an acceptable complication rate. With continued innovations in techniques and devices and with increased experience, the complication rates associated with SAE may be even lower in the future.