Previous research supports the fear-avoidance model in explaining the transition from acute to chronic non-specific musculoskeletal pain. However, there is still little knowledge on when this vicious circle of pain, disability, pain catastrophizing and fear of movement starts. We performed a daily diary study in 42 patients with acute whiplash injury. ⋯ We also examined the reverse association, that is, whether the changes in pain predict changes in the next day's fear of movement and pain catastrophizing. Although for the fear of movement the model reached significance, the amount of explained variance was negligible. In conclusion, this study provides evidence that already in the early stages of whiplash-related complaints, significant associations between fear of movement and pain intensity and disability occur, and that this association may be predictive of the persistence of pain.
Temporal summation of "second pain" (TSSP) is considered to be the result of C-fiber-evoked responses of dorsal horn neurons, termed 'windup'. TSSP is dependent on stimulus frequency (> or=0.33Hz) and is relevant for central sensitization and chronic pain. We have previously shown that compared to normal controls (NC), fibromyalgia (FM) subjects show abnormal TSSP, requiring lower stimulus intensities/frequencies to achieve similar TSSP. ⋯ In a second experiment, all aspects of individually adjusted TSSP heat pulses were kept the same except that the baseline temperature (BT) between heat pulses was surreptitiously alternated between 35 degrees C and 40 degrees C. These changes of BT resulted in significantly greater TSSP ratings of FM subjects compared to NC subjects, both at 35 degrees C and at 40 degrees C, but did not change their response to the first heat pulse of a stimulus train. These findings provide strong support for alterations of central pain sensitivity and not peripheral sensitization or rating bias as responsible for TSSP differences between NC and FM subjects.
Knowledge concerning the medical history prior to the onset of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) might provide insight into its risk factors and potential underlying disease mechanisms. To evaluate prior to CRPS medical conditions, a case-control study was conducted in the Integrated Primary Care Information (IPCI) project, a general practice (GP) database in the Netherlands. CRPS patients were identified from the records and validated through examination by the investigator (IASP criteria) or through specialist confirmation. ⋯ In a sensitivity analysis, including only visited cases, asthma (OR: 3.0; 95% CI: 1.3-6.9) and CRPS were related. Psychological factors were not associated with CRPS onset. Because of the hypothesis-generating character of this study, the findings should be confirmed by other studies.
Both trait anger-in (managing anger through suppression) and anger-out (managing anger through direct expression) are related to pain responsiveness, but only anger-out effects involve opioid mechanisms. Preliminary work suggested that the effects of anger-out on postoperative analgesic requirements were moderated by the A118G single nucleotide polymorphism of the mu opioid receptor gene. This study further explored these potential genotypexphenotype interactions as they impact acute pain sensitivity. ⋯ No genetic moderation was observed for anger-in, although significant main effects on MPQ-Affective ratings were noted (p<.005). Anger-in main effects were due to overlap with negative affect, but anger-outxA118G interactions were not, suggesting unique effects of expressive anger regulation. Results support opioid-related genotypexphenotype interactions involving trait anger-out.