Randomized Controlled Trial
METHA-NeP: effectiveness and safety of methadone for neuropathic pain: a controlled randomized trial.
In this randomized, double-blind, parallel placebo-controlled clinical trial, we evaluated the efficacy of methadone as an add-on therapy for people with chronic neuropathic pain (NP). Eighty-six patients were randomly assigned to receive methadone or placebo for 8 weeks. The primary outcome was the proportion of participants achieving at least 30% pain relief from baseline using a 100-mm pain Visual Analogue Scale. ⋯ No serious adverse events or deaths occurred. Discontinuation due to adverse events was reported in 2 participants in the methadone and none in the placebo arm. Methadone use as an add-on to an optimized treatment for NP with first- and/or second-line drugs provided superior analgesia, improved sleep, and enhanced global impression of change, without being associated with significant serious adverse effects that would raise safety concerns.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Extended reality used in the treatment of phantom limb pain: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized controlled trial.
Phantom limb pain (PLP) represents a significant challenge after amputation. This study investigated the use of phantom motor execution (PME) and phantom motor imagery (PMI) facilitated by extended reality (XR) for the treatment of PLP. Both treatments used XR, but PME involved overt execution of phantom movements, relying on the decoding of motor intent using machine learning to enable real-time control in XR. ⋯ Pain reduction for PME was larger than previously reported. Despite our initial hypothesis not being confirmed, PME and PMI, aided by XR, are likely to offer meaningful PLP relief to most patients. These findings merit consideration of these therapies as viable treatment options and alternatives to pharmacological treatments.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Treatment mechanism and outcome decoupling effects in cognitive therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, and behavior therapy for chronic pain.
Findings suggest that cognitive therapy (CT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), and behavior therapy (BT) for chronic pain produce improvements through changes in putative mechanisms. Evidence supporting this notion is largely based on findings showing significant associations between treatment mechanism variables and outcomes. An alternative view is that treatments may work by reducing or decoupling the impact of changes in mechanism variables on changes in outcomes. ⋯ These effects were similar across treatment conditions but did not emerge among people undergoing TAU. Results suggest that during the course of CT, MBSR, and BT, the links between changes in treatment mechanism variables became decoupled from subsequent changes in outcomes and vice versa. Thus, starting by midtreatment and continuing into late treatment, participants may have learned through participation in the treatments that episodes of maladaptive pain-related thoughts and/or spikes in pain need not have detrimental consequences on their subsequent experience.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Independent effects of transcranial direct current stimulation and social influence on pain.
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a noninvasive neuromodulatory technique with the potential to provide pain relief. However, tDCS effects on pain are variable across existing studies, possibly related to differences in stimulation protocols and expectancy effects. We investigated the independent and joint effects of contralateral motor cortex tDCS (anodal vs cathodal) and socially induced expectations (analgesia vs hyperalgesia) about tDCS on thermal pain. ⋯ The observed additive effects provide novel evidence that tDCS and socially induced expectations operate through independent processes. They extend clinical tDCS studies by showing tDCS effects on controlled nociceptive pain independent of expectancy effects. In addition, they show that social suggestions about neurostimulation effects can elicit potent placebo effects.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Prediction of the response to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex in peripheral neuropathic pain and validation of a new algorithm.