Meta Analysis Comparative Study
Functional brain imaging of placebo analgesia: methodological challenges and recommendations.
Opioids are commonly used in the treatment of moderate to severe pain. However, their chronic use is limited by analgesic tolerance and physical dependence. Few studies have examined how chronic pain affects the development of tolerance or dependence, and essentially no studies have looked at the role of both genetics and pain together. ⋯ The influence of background strain was substantial for all traits measured. In silico haplotypic mapping of the tolerance and physical dependence data demonstrated that CFA pretreatment altered the pattern of the predicted associations and greatly reduced their statistical significance. We conclude that chronic inflammatory pain and genetics interact to modulate the analgesic potency of morphine, tolerance, and physical dependence.
Comparative Study
Functional assessment of pediatric pain patients: psychometric properties of the functional disability inventory.
The Functional Disability Inventory (FDI; Walker LS, Greene JW. The functional disability inventory: measuring a neglected dimension of child health status. J Pediatr Psychol 1991;16:39-58) assesses activity limitations in children and adolescents with a variety of pediatric conditions. ⋯ Internal consistency reliability was excellent, ranging from .86 to .91. Validity was supported by significant correlations of child- and parent-report FDI scores with measures of school-related disability, pain, and somatic symptoms. Study results add to a growing body of empirical literature supporting the reliability and validity of the FDI for functional assessment of pediatric patients with chronic pain.
Comparative Study
Localization of touch versus heat pain in the human hand: a dissociative effect of temporal parameters on discriminative capacity and decision strategy.
We studied the influence of temporal parameters on localization of monofilament-evoked touch versus thulium laser-induced and C fiber-mediated pain in human subjects. Stimuli were applied at interstimulus intervals (ISIs) varying from 1 to 9 s to determine discrimination between successive stimulus sites in the palmar skin. Localization threshold was about two times higher for heat pain than touch. ⋯ Additionally, temporal factors dissociatively influence the response strategy in the tactile versus pain localization task with the prolongation of the ISI from 1 to 9 s. Due to this strategy change, localization threshold for touch remains constant at prolonged ISIs, in spite of a decrease in discriminative capacity. In a cutaneous localization task, the subject's accuracy and response strategy vary with the modality and temporal parameters of sequential test stimulation.