Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Pre-emptive analgesia using intravenous fentanyl plus low-dose ketamine for radical prostatectomy under general anesthesia does not produce short-term or long-term reductions in pain or analgesic use.
The aim of the study was to evaluate post-operative pain and analgesic use after pre-operative or post-incisional i.v. fentanyl plus low dose i.v. ketamine vs. a standard treatment receiving i.v. fentanyl but not ketamine. Men undergoing radical prostatectomy under general anesthesia were randomly assigned in a double-blinded manner to one of three groups. Patients received i.v. fentanyl before incision followed by an i.v. bolus dose (0.2 ml kg(-1)) and an i.v. infusion (0.0025 ml kg(-1)min(-1)) of 1 mg ml(-1) ketamine (group 1) or normal saline (groups 2 and 3). ⋯ Pain scores and von Frey pain thresholds did not differ significantly among groups. Two-week and 6-month follow-ups did not reveal significant group differences in pain incidence, intensity, disability or mental health. Pre-operative, low-dose administration of i.v. ketamine did not result in a clinically meaningful reduction in pain or morphine consumption when compared with post-incisional administration of ketamine or a saline control condition.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Effects of spouse-assisted coping skills training and exercise training in patients with osteoarthritic knee pain: a randomized controlled study.
This study tested the separate and combined effects of spouse-assisted pain coping skills training (SA-CST) and exercise training (ET) in a sample of patients having persistent osteoarthritic knee pain. Seventy-two married osteoarthritis (OA) patients with persistent knee pain and their spouses were randomly assigned to: SA-CST alone, SA-CST plus ET, ET alone, or standard care (SC). Patients in SA-CST alone, together with their spouses, attended 12 weekly, 2-h group sessions for training in pain coping and couples skills. ⋯ Data analyses revealed: (1) physical fitness and strength: the SA-CST + ET and ET alone groups had significant improvements in physical fitness compared to SA-CST alone and patients in SA-CST + ET and ET alone had significant improvements in leg flexion and extension compared to SA-CST alone and SC, (2) pain coping: patients in SA-CST + ET and SA-CST alone groups had significant improvements in coping attempts compared to ET alone or SC and spouses in SA-CST + ET rated their partners as showing significant improvements in coping attempts compared to ET alone or SC, and (3) self-efficacy: patients in SA-CST + ET reported significant improvements in self-efficacy and their spouses rated them as showing significant improvements in self-efficacy compared to ET alone or SC. Patients receiving SA-CST + ET who showed increased self-efficacy were more likely to have improvements in psychological disability. An intervention that combines spouse-assisted coping skills training and exercise training can improve physical fitness, strength, pain coping, and self-efficacy in patients suffering from pain due to osteoarthritis.
Comparative Study
Maintenance of windup of second pain requires less frequent stimulation in fibromyalgia patients compared to normal controls.
Many chronic pain syndromes, including fibromyalgia (FM), show evidence of central nervous system hyperexcitability related to central sensitization. Windup (WU) of second pain reflects increased excitability of spinal cord neurons that is related to central sensitization. Psychophysical testing can help characterize this important central nervous system phenomenon because of the parallels between electrophysiological WU and WU of second pain. ⋯ Thus, unlike NC subjects, FM subjects showed enhanced second pain during WU-M stimuli at very low stimulus frequencies, indicating central sensitization. Increased WU sensitivity, enhanced WU-M, and increased WU-related aftersensations help account for persistent pain conditions in FM subjects. In addition to WU, WU-M appears to be a useful tool to study mechanisms of pain in patients with characteristics of central sensitization.
Comparative Study
Pain catastrophizing and social support in married individuals with chronic pain: the moderating role of pain duration.
In the current study, 96 married chronic pain patients were recruited from the community to test hypotheses about the roles of catastrophizing and psychological distress in relation to perceived support from close others. It was expected that pain duration would moderate the relationship between catastrophizing and perceived support and between catastrophizing and psychological distress. In addition, distress was hypothesized to mediate the relationship between the pain duration-catastrophizing interaction and support. ⋯ Pain duration did not interact with catastrophizing in relating to psychological distress, which precluded the examination of distress as a mediator between the pain duration-catastrophizing interaction and support. Moreover, psychological distress did not significantly mediate the relationships between pain catastrophizing and perceived support. These findings are discussed in the context of cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal perspectives of pain.
Pain catastrophizing and interpersonal problems: a circumplex analysis of the communal coping model.
Using the circumplex model of interpersonal behavior [Handbook of research methods in clinical psychology, 1982], this study tested the communal coping model of catastrophizing (CCM) in a large (N = 179) sample of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common, benign chronic pain disorder associated with significant painful extraintestinal comorbidity (e.g. headache, low back pain). Patients completed the Coping Strategies Questionnaire, the Brief Symptom Inventory, and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems. ⋯ In general, data provide evidence supporting the interpersonal distinctiveness of pain catastrophizing as postulated by the CCM. Advantages of a circumplex model and of interpersonal theory for understanding and testing the CCM are discussed.