Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of twenty-four-hourly Kapanol compared to twelve-hourly MS Contin in the treatment of severe cancer pain.
Twenty-four patients with severe pain related to cancer completed a randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, crossover study examining morphine pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics when the same 24-h morphine dose was administered using two modified release oral morphine formulations; either one dose of Kapanol (a new sustained release polymer coated pellet formulation administered in capsule form, Glaxo Wellcome group of companies) per 24 h, or MS Contin (Purdue Frederick Company, Connecticut, USA) administered at 12-h intervals. The morphine dose was optimised for each patient using an immediate release morphine solution in the lead-in period to provide the most favourable balance between pain relief and side-effects. Patients were then randomly allocated to receive their 24-h morphine dose as either Kapanol or MS Contin in period 1. ⋯ Some of these pharmacokinetic differences (e.g., Cmin and fluctuation in plasma morphine concentration) were surprising given that the dosing interval for Kapanol (24 h) was double that of MS Contin (12 h). There was no significant difference between the Kapanol and MS Contin treatment phases in any of the pharmacodynamic parameters, morphine related side-effects, the percentage of patients taking rescue medication as well as the amount or time to the first dose of rescue analgesia on day 7 in periods 1 and 2, patient or investigator assessments of global efficacy at the end of periods 1 and 2, or patient treatment preference at the end of the study. Once a day Kapanol provided the same degree of pain relief and morphine related side-effects as 12-h MS Contin.
Duration of acute herpetic pain (AHP) in 1431 patients for whom treatment was begun within 14 days after the onset of herpes zoster (HZ) was analyzed with respect to age, involved region, and severity of skin lesions. All patients were treated with repeated sympathetic nerve blocks until their pain was almost nil. Severity of the skin lesions at the worst phase was defined as mild when they covered less than one-quarter of the primary dermatome, as severe when they covered more than three-quarters of the primary dermatome, and moderate if they were between mild and severe. ⋯ Multiple stepwise regression analysis revealed that the most important factors influencing the duration of AHP were the severity of skin lesions of HZ at the worst phase (r = 0.412), age (r = 0.277) and the involved region (r = -0.101). Thus, AHP in the elderly and in cases of trigeminal involvement is longer because of higher frequencies of severe HZ in the elderly and in trigeminal involvement rather than "being aged' and "trigeminal involvement' itself. We propose that one needs to analyze the results of treatment of AHP with respect to the severity of skin lesions at the worst phase.
The mechanical allodynia and edema related to a subcutaneous carrageenin injection are increased by a conditioning carrageenin injection 7 days before (Guilbaud et al., 1992). In the present study, the possibility of preventing this by bupivacaine infiltration was tested. In the first part of the experiment, the time course of a carrageenin induced inflammation of the right hind paw was assessed in animals receiving local anesthetic injection (0.2 ml of bupivacaine 0.5% solution with epinephrine) either 5 min before (BUPI PRE group) or 60 min after (BUPI POST group) the carrageenin injection (0.2 ml of 1% solution). ⋯ In contrast, the increase in allodynia and edema was less intense in the BUPI PRE group than in the other groups (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.02 respectively). Bupivacaine injections had no effect on allodynia and edema related to a second contra-lateral carrageenin injection. These results suggest that bupivacaine infiltration, when administered before the first conditioning injection of carrageenin, can prevent the reinforcement of mechanical allodynia and edema related to a second ipsilateral injection of carrageenin 7 days later.
A previously established relationship for deriving dichotomous from continuous information in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of analgesics has been tested using an independent data set. Individual patient information from 18 RCTs of parallel-group design in acute postoperative pain (after abdominal, gynaecological and oral surgery) was used to calculate the percentage of the maximum possible pain relief score (%maxTOTPAR) and the proportion of patients with > 50%maxTOTPAR for the different treatments. The relationship between the measures was investigated in 85 treatments with over 3400 patients. ⋯ Reports of RCTs of analgesics frequently describe results of studies in the form of mean derived indices, rather than using discontinuous events, such as number or proportion of patients with 50% pain relief. Because mean data inadequately describe information with a non-normal distribution, combining mean data in systematic reviews may compromise the results. Showing that dichotomous data can reliably be derived from mean data in acute pain studies enables data published as means to be used for quantitative systematic reviews which require data in dichotomous form.
Intramuscular injection of hypertonic saline is a good model to study human muscle pain (Kellgren 1938). The present study concerns the intramuscular (i.m.) pain mediators in saline-induced muscle pain. In experiment 1, the diffusion of infused hypertonic and isotonic saline (0.5 ml) in m. tibialis anterior was illustrated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in one subject. ⋯ The i.m. pressure was not different during the infusions of hypertonic and isotonic saline but was increased between the infusions of hypertonic saline. This study has shown that i.m. infusion of hypertonic saline produced a saline-pool, causing the i.m. pressure to increase. Possibly, pain activation and cessation are related to increased intramuscular sodium and potassium content respectively.